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Aunt May woke me up really early because we need to leave and go to the compound.

"I'm sorry Petey, but I need to report to work on Monday, and I'm not sure if I'll have the time to fix everything. I was hoping we can unpack and arrange everything this weekend."

"It's okay Aunt May. If I didn't know any better I would think that you're finding ways to lessen my patrol time." I joked, she let out a fake gasp.

"How did you know?" She asked dramatically. I laughed at her theatrical display.

It wasn't even 8 in the morning and we were already in the compound unpacking at Aunt May's hotel-like room. She have a living room and a kitchen set up there. 

It only has one room, the reason why I still was rooming next to Vision. Not that I'm complaining. I'm grateful for the things Mr. Stark have given to me and to Aunt May.

Happy took my boxes to my room, I'll unpack later when I'm done helping Aunt May. We really didn't think that Mr. Stark or Miss Potts would actually come here to help us but I guess I was wrong.

Mr. Stark was always one for his grand entrance but he clearly doesn't understand when is the right time to do it because popping a confetti party-popper while we were unpacking and Aunt May holding her beloved china is one of those wrong times.

You bet that Mr. Stark's welcoming cheer and the sound of the party-popper was not the only thing that can be heard in the room. Due to the shock from the loud sound Aunt May dropped her china. It was 2 plates, mine and hers. He was lucky that it wasn't her all time favorite but that doesn't mean he was safe from Aunt May's wrath.

After hearing the shattering sounds of the plates Mr. Stark turn to look at the broken pieces of porcelain on the floor around Aunt May's feet. He quickly shoved the party-popper to Happy's hands.

"Happy, looked what you did?! I told you the confetti wasn't necessary." Mr. Stark quickly blame Happy. Happy panicked and tried to give the party-popper back to Mr. Stark.

"No, no, I— it wasn't my idea." Happy quickly turned to Aunt May trying to explain that he was not the culprit.

"Oh my! May are you okay?!" Miss Potts worriedly asked. Aunt May finally rose her head and glared at Mr. Stark. Goodbye Mr. Stark.

"You—" she pointed her finger threateningly at Mr. Stark.

"Happy do your damn job and protect me!" Mr. Stark said using Happy as a shield. Happy was  outright horrified, clutching the party-popper.

I let out a sigh and stood up to face Aunt May.
"Aunt May calm down, how about Mr. Stark replace it? He can look for the same design or maybe a new set?" I suggested turning my head towards Mr. Stark, giving him a look that he better replace them.

"Yes! Good idea Peter! No worries May, I'll find and buy you the most beautiful set of china, Kings and Queens would be jealous!" Mr. Stark said though that didn't ease Aunt May's anger.

"Come on Aunt May, be careful." I said as I took her hand and guided her towards a spot were there wasn't any broken porcelain. I spot a broom in the far corner of the room and quickly rushed to it. I sweep the pisces to the side. Miss Potts was checking on Aunt May for any injury, calming her down and doing her best to save her fiancé from my Aunt.

"Tony, how about you help with the unpacking? May and I will get some snacks, maybe something for lunch too. Happy help Tony and Peter with unpacking. Make sure Tony doesn't brake anything else." Miss Potts basically ordered to the two.

"You're still not safe Mr. Stark. Aunt May will hold a grudge when it comes to her china." I whispered to him.

"Shut up Pete. My poor heart is already palpitating." He said as he placed a hand on his chest. I gave him a wide smile and pointed out a pile of boxes to him.

Peter ft. Spider-ManWhere stories live. Discover now