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Mary had taken us back inside but not before giving me a tight hug, crying onto my shoulder as she did so. It was strange... to have someone worry for me. For them to cry over me.

It dredged up a chaotic emotion, although not yet full of chaos, having it revealed was only the beginning of it. It was the same emotion I felt when clinging to my mother's lifeless body.

Seeing as I despised feeling such an emotion, despised reliving those memories, I refused to hug Mary back in an attempt to subdue that feeling. Regardless of my reluctance to hug her, she continued to hold me.

Once we were inside the house Mary urged us into the living room to explain ourselves, though I let Mister Arlington do all the talking. I noticed he had left out the part where he took me to the club he owned, only informing her of the men we had run from and the events from thereon.

I couldn't tell why he had. However, I didn't correct him.

It had been a week since then, a week spent laying low at the cottage. During that time Mary and I cleaned around the house and during our free time we watched as Mister Arlington built a yard for a new horse, sometimes bringing a book to read while he did so.

But today, Mister Arlington had allowed me to visit Violeta and thank her, seeing as my bruises had calmed enough for her not to question them. He drove me into town dropping me off in front of the greenhouse before he went off to run his errands, nonchalantly telling me what time he'd be ready to pick me up by.

With a sigh, I mustered up the courage to walk into the warehouse finding Violeta talking to a couple over a range of flowers.

The events that had happened since my attacker impacted me negatively and just as I felt like things were changing. However, I knew not to hope for good things when it came to myself.

And thinking of how Violeta had asked to be my friend now put me in a low mood, simply because I knew nothing good would come from her being my friend.

"Angelica? Gosh, it really is you!"

At the sound of Violeta's voice, I looked up, finding her approaching me with a smile on her face. I loosed a soft breath, forcing a small smile even though I could feel it quake.

With a genuine smile like hers, it was certain I could never be her friend.

"Violeta, h-hi."

"I'm on my break now, should we go to the cafe up the road?"

I nodded.


"I was worried about you, I couldn't stop thinking about if you were alright," she confessed, sipping on her cup of coffee.

"I'm fine."

"That night... Why did you need a place to stay?"

"If she asks anything about that night it's important you keep the truth from her."

Mister Arlington's words were clear as day in my mind. He was right though and with our aligned thinking, I wouldn't tell a soul.

"I was feeling homesick, so I ran."

"Did something happen Angelica?" she whispered, "you know you can tell me," she assured, reaching across the table to clasp my hands.

"No," I answered, pulling away from her. "I w-was just being ungrateful. All they've been is k-kind to me."

"You seemed... pretty panicked."

"I had just gotten mugged around the corner, the fri-e-end I spoke of saved me. They chased after us and you p-popped into my head."

She nodded, seeming slightly unsure whether or not to believe me. So I forced a smile, "I promise."

She pulled back, "alright."

"But I... I just wanted to say thank you for your help that night and s-sorry for causing such an inconvenience."

"No, no. It's alright, anything for a friend."

I nodded, "right, of course."

Silence surfaced between us as we sipped from our cups, looking anywhere but each other. I placed my cup down soon after, ready to say something about the weather in order to ward off the awkward silence but was beaten to talking as Violeta spoke up.

"Angelica, do you happen to know that man sitting over there?"

I frowned, turning in my seat to observe the cafe. I was surprised when I found Julian a few tables away, staring without any care. A smirk formed on his face as we locked eyes, causing me to turn back to Violeta.

"No," I lied, my cheeks heating as they were undoubtedly tinged red.

What was Julian doing here? He couldn't have been sent by Mister Arlington, seeing as it seems they have their own internal feud between each other.

"He's been staring at you for quite a while, I thought you would've known him."

I shook my head.

She leaned over the table slightly, lowering her voice into a whisper. "He's so handsome, why don't you go talk to him?"

"Talk to him!"

"Yes, yes, go. He's obviously into you."

Rather, he liked to toy with me. I had never received such attention from a man especially one with such an intimidating aura and handsome looks. I didn't like him, I felt no emotional connection to him, though his attention towards me made me feel... Something. I wasn't naive but I was able to play such a role if only to toy with him.

Mister Arlington had warned me about fraternizing with other members under his ruling, but... No. What the hell was I thinking?

"Excuse me, ladies. This was sent from the gentleman in the suit," the waiter informed as he placed two plates on the table, each holding an intricately made cheesecake.

I turned to Julian again who sent me a wink before he stood, pulling a few notes from the inside pocket of his suit and leaving them on the table.

I looked towards Violeta as I stood. "Thank you again, Violeta. I'll see you around."

She smiled, nodding as I turned away and chased after Julian who had exited the cafe.

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