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The next day, neither Mary or Tobias brought up Julian's visit nor did I ask about it.

I had just finished doing more chores before I went directly to the lounge room, sitting on the couch in the middle without much regard to the room. I moaned as I flourished my arms above my head, arching my back in order to stretch out my muscles.

From the corner of the room, there was a deep guttural rumble of someone clearing their throat, I hadn't needed to turn to know it was Mister Arlington but regardless, I did.

Sitting in the plush brown chair in the corner was indeed Mister Arlington. He read a large newspaper that covered his lower face and his upper body, just above the rim of the newspaper were his steel grey eyes that stared at me coldly.

My face flushed as I realised how improper I had just acted. I stood, dropping into a low curtsy, looking at him from beneath my lashes.

He looked back down at his paper, dismissing me completely.

I stood from my curtsy, no longer wanting to be in his presence, I left the house and made my way to the stables.

I sighed, holding out my hand for Benjamin to sniff my hand, after a few whiffs of my hand he pulled away, once again standing like a statue with his head lowered.

I looked towards the back wall where bridles, horseshoes, ropes and other equipment hung. I had never dealt with horses but I had been contemplating taking Benjamin for a walk in the meadow. It just wasn't right for him to stay locked up in here alone, freedom was the best cure and in his case, it might be the right thing he needed.

With more determined movements, I grabbed the lead on the wall before approaching the large horse. I cursed my condition as I realised it would be more comforting for Benjamin if I spoke to him.

In the end, it hadn't really mattered, Benjamin didn't even raise his head as I looped the rope around his neck and clipped the end onto the remaining length of the rope.

Undoubtedly, I was supposed to ask for permission from Mister Arlington to do this but in fear of him refusing I hadn't bothered to tell him.

I tugged on the lead provoking a curious look from the horse, in return I offered a small smile before I maneuvered him around his stall, testing his compliance.

After a successful test around his stall, I opened his gate and lead him outside of the stable and into the meadow. His head swivelled eagerly as he chewed on the vibrant green strands of grass, he practically dragged me around as he explored the meadow.

I walked with him to the dead tree, fastening the lead to a branch before climbing the tree and looking over the meadow. I sat in silence, listening to the sounds surrounding me until Benjamin laid down.

I made my way to the ground, untying the rope from the branch and giving it a little tug to signal it was time to go. This time Benjamin didn't comply, softly snorting. It was only then that I realised his laboured breaths.

My eyes widened as I realised that this was it, these were his final moments. I wanted to run to Mister Arlington but I was so far from the house, and I didn't want him to die alone.

I sat on the short grass where he had eaten, removing the rope from around his neck before gently stroking his silk fur.

It only took a few minutes before his breathing ceased and his lungs no longer made his abdomen move. I looked up to the view he had beheld moments ago, smiling slightly at the serenity of it all. I stay there for a bit, looking at the clouds and the birds that flew past, listening to the breeze dance through the grass and the songs that the birds chirped.

When I had thought I spent enough time with Benjamin's body I stood and made my way back to the house with the rope in hand. Mary was gardening out front, she was the first to see me.

"Angelica?" she spoke when I stood by her holding up the lead, shaking my head.

"Is he gone?"

I nodded, bowing my head

"Alright then, I'll go let Mister Arlington know," she said softly, almost as if it were to herself.

I waited outside as she went inside to deliver the news, it wasn't long before I could hear Mister Arlington stomp around the house before exiting in a passive rage. He strode over to me, his eyes more colder than ever, the sight sparked something inside of my dead heart.


"Where is he?" he growled.

I was frozen. I couldn't move. Was he angry at me? Was he angry because he had gotten him? What would he do when he realised I had taken Benjamin from the stables?

"Angelica," he snapped, grabbing both my upper arms in a tight grip, breaking me from my fearful daze, "Where is ben." This time he didn't growl, rather he said it more firmly but softer.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him past the gate, jogging almost, through the tall grass towards the dead tree. We stopped at the edge of where Benjamin had grazed, staring at his body by the tree.

I looked at Mister Arlington as I realised my hand was still clasped around his. He was in a daze, staring at Bens body. Only now did I realise how tired he looked, dark circles hung under his eyes, his hair was slightly ruffled and the clothes he wore were the same as yesterday.

I squeezed his hand before letting go which seemed to pull him back to the present.


A part of me wanted to stay with him, to see more of the vulnerability he was unintentionally expressing but I knew I had to leave, it was better to leave.

So I turned and didn't look back.

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