He charged at her, only for her to jump above him and using the top of his head to volt herself behind him. She grabbed around his neck and pushed on his knees with her feet.  Catching her self with her legs she flipped Batman by the neck.

Coughing he flipped on to his back, looking up to the girl. There was something about her that reminded him of cat woman, hawk woman and Wonder Woman. She was Fatal, dangerous, and smart. The way she planned every move and they was she played him like her pone in a game of chess.

He got up kicked her. She hit the nearby wall. A growl resonated from the girl. The growl that they herd earlier now making more sense, she charged taking the form of a tiger.  A roar shook the room, but what none of the hero's in the room new was that many heroes had gathered at the one-way windows.

Batman grabbed the tiger by the scruff and threw her across the room. She slid on the floor, hitting her head on the opposite wall.

She was pissed. Her head hurt and she could feel the migraine coming on.

She stood up and shifted, she was found supporting herself by her arms and her knees almost touching the ground. She pushed off the ground. And charged at the Batman. His back was turned as if he didn't except her to get up again. That was a mistake, a mistake that if this was a real fight, he would be dead. As quiet as a mouse, she crept on him. Until she was right behind him she leaped up and wrapped her legs around his neck.

She punched him down his face on both sides. She squeezed her thighs, grunting as she threw each and every punch. Her anger only intensifying, his head turning side to side as each hit was placed with momentum and a rhythm.

He was lousing balance; he tried his best not to tip to the weight on his shoulders. She used her weight and leaned backwards. She waited, only hitting harder. Adrenaline pumping through her Veins.

Finally, he lost his balance, and that was all she needed. She leaned back, preparing to land on her hands. She landed on her hands and pulled her legs to her body, bringing Batman with them.

She landed with her legs spread, almost as if she was doing a downward squatting dog pose (if that makes any sense at all). Batman, however, was on the ground, panting from the lack of air.

She was drenched in her own sweat. She felt gross and sticky. She needed water. To drink and to energize with.

That was the second time she took him down. But he kept coming, getting up again and again. What does she have to do to make him stay down. She was irritated, she had just punched the daylights out of him and he was barely standing on his feet. Yet he won't yield.

She was pretty positive that Bruce Wayne was not a demigod. 89% sure any way. But then again, he didn't have the fighting techniques she did.

She circled him, trying the figure out what to do. Should she tier him out like she did with super man?
That would be a better option, seeing as he was mostly muscle. And she didn't have anything sharp and shiny...well that was a lie. She did have riptide, but she doubted that she could use it against him. Plus it wouldn't be fair to him.

That's what she did, she toyed with him. Wearing him out, she was in comfortable clothes. While he was in a skintight suit that seemed non breath able with padding that emphasized his muscles and build.
Sweating in one would not be comfortable, which gave her some ideas for her costume that she would have to talk to Leo about.

If this was out on the street, she would not be winning this fight, he though. Batman uses his surroundings to his advantage. Normally helped when he knew where he was fighting, like Gotham. New York was similar to Gotham but was different in its own way. More cramped and less dirty, but it was still a major city.

I'll figure it outOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora