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We had all left Lexi's place at 7:00 in the morning, I still needed some sleep. I had planned my entire day out in my head, I have a flight to catch by 12noon, so I decided to set my alarm to wake me up at 10am so I'll have two hours to get ready and that was exactly what happened.

At 11:30am, I was ready, I took one last look around my room just to ensure I wasn't forgetting anything.

The room was empty, I zipped my box and a small bag I was carrying and stood it upright.

Almost immediately, I remembered that I had left some windows at the back open, so I went to close them up.

Coming back to my room, I was startled by Leo who was sitting on my bed.

"oh my-" holding my chest, I took a deep breath "what are you doing here?"

"I'm not okay, can't you tell?" Leo responded falling flat on my bed.

I let out a sigh, I didn't have time for this.

"You're only 14, what could possibly be wrong with you?" I asked

"Everything" throwing his hands up in the air, he continued "life is hard. I asked mom for a new game control set but she told me that if I wanted one, I have to get it myself." He sat up straight "The kids at my school are currently giving me a hard time, Megan broke up with me and now you're leaving, which means more house chores and generally more work for me, I can't do extra work am Leonardo" Leo complained pointing to himself.

Since he was the youngest, he barely touched a thing in the house.

"what do I do?" Leo groaned and put both hands over his face

"Ok first of all, these aren't even real problems" I said and walked over to my closet

Leo glared at me "Yes they are! I need advice not your educational nonsense"

"Ok, so am no love expert so I can't fix you and Megan; that's a YOU problem"

"You're saying everything I already know" Leo shot back.

"Let me finish" I tilted my head and waited to get Leo's attention. "I know a store that's looking for people to work, and you don't start school till next week, so why not take the job" I suggested.

But, Leo wasn't an easy person

"You're saying I have to work to make money?" Leo asked with an irritated look

"Oh no, you don't have to. Unless you've got something better genius" I replied

"Fine, am listening" Leo bluntly replied

"The store is just down the street, and I hear the pay is good; 50 bucks an hour for four hours a day, you'll be getting 200 bucks a day. Do that for a week and your making 1400 bucks" I said leaning out of my closet door.

"Ok that sounds cool-" he paused "A little too cool" Leo didn't seem convinced.

But it was real.

"yeah its, wow. No-brainer, keep it up and you'll be-" I started but Leo interrupted

"I'll be rich!" Leo said in excitement.

"I was going to say; able to get your game set, but sure why not"

"This is so cool," pacing round the room, Leo continued "I'd be making my own money and can do whatever I wanted" Leo said with excitement dripping from every word. He somehow always got whatever he wanted

I looked at my watch "ok, that's amazing and all but you have to get out cause I have to get to the airport" I opened the door signaling him to get out.

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