Erlirria Saves Miraak

Start from the beginning

He reappeared at the basin in the centre of the platform.
"Kruziikrel! Zii Los Dii Du!" The dragon was ripped from the sky as it fell and evaporated, Miraak absorbed the soul and turned to Erlirria.

Mul... Qah Diiv!

He shouted Dragon Aspect, the ethereal scales rushing from his soul. Erlirria backed off as he turned to approach her, his sword now back at his side, he readied spells.

"Hermaeus Mora is laughing at us, you know." He taunted.
Erlirria smirked.
"No... he's laughing at you for trying to flex on me again."

Miraak seemed to stop to process the question.

Mul... Qah Diiv!

Erlirria felt the rush of energy from her soul coat her in a Dragon's power, even her tail was now lined with glowing dragon barbs. Miraak tossed lightning bolts her way, and while she deflected most, she kept taking damage.

The two traded blows, spells and shouts for what seemed like hours until Erlirria was backed into a corner, with Miraak bearing down on her.

"Give up, Dragonborn. You know you cannot win this." He stated.
Erlirria spat blood, her clawed fingers scrapping the floor.
"Hey... Miraak. You know what a nickname of mine is in Skyrim?"

The Dragonborn seemed to be thrown by the question. What an odd thing to ask at a time like this? The younger Dragonborn seemed to flex her scales as she looked up.

"The Red-Necked Wolf."

Erlirria took a strong stance, kneeling down, her arms out to the side of her. Her body was suddenly caught in a tar-like blackness as her quiet laughter turned into vengeful snarls.

Miraak watched in horror as the formerly shorter Dragonborn transformed completely into a tall red and beige werewolf, with pale white eyes.

The creature towered over Miraak, at least a foot talker than him. Bearing down on him with a wild smile of crooked teeth, the werewolf roared to whatever Apocrypha's equivalent to the sky was.

Miraak began trying to run, but the wolf was hot on his trail, bounding after him on all fours.
"You can't run, Miraak!" The werewolf called.

It spoke!
The werewolf spoke!
Erlirria ran faster and faster after the priest until she had pinned him beneath her, scoring his arms and legs with her claws.

His heart beat rapidly, she could see it. Elevated by fear and... something else. It was calling to her to devour it, the wolf wanted his heart.

But Erlirria wanted it more.
She vanished into ink again as she morphed back. As the Khajiit returned, Miraak found her holding up a Dragonbone Tanto. The accompanying weapon in the Daisho Erlirria wore.

"I have found a new Dragonborn to serve me." Mora's voice echoed above as portals of tentacles began opening. Erlirria looked down at Miraak, suddenly hesitant.

"Miraak harboured fantasies of rebellion against me... serve me faithfully and you will be rewarded as he has been." Mora promised.

Erlirria's brow furrowed, now getting angry.
She raised the tanto higher, as if to initiate the killing blow...!

But then...
It came down.
And Miraak gasped as he saw it dig into the floor beside his head.

"What-?" He choked as Erlirria quickly grabbed the black book off her back and opened it, hitting it in the centre of the pages and sticking her hand in.

Using her free hand, she stored away the tanto, gave Mora the middle finger, and gripped Miraak's wrist.
"Come on! I'm not leaving you here!" She said, dragging him with her through the book.

They both heard Mora's screams of defeat as the book closed.
The book back in Skaal village opened and flew into the air, flicking open its pages before spitting out two people.

Two Dragonborn.
Miraak emerged first, then Erlirria who accidentally landed on top of him.
The book flipped shut and fell on to the snow as the two huffed at what they had just escaped.

Miraak turned to the Khajiit still laying on him, confused.
"Why?" Was his only question.
Erlirria's brow furrowed as she got off of him.

"If you had asked for my help, you could've had it." She said simply. She turned to the wounds she had caused as her werewolf form, deep gashes glowing red from under his robes.

"Sorry about those, we can get them patched up."
Miraak growled, trying to get up but failing, she'd clearly ripped some of his supporting tendons.

Erlirria bent down to him, grabbing his hand and resting his arm over her shoulders.
She managed to get him to stand, though his masked face was trained on her the entire time.
"Why save me?" He asked again, as if unsatisfied with her previous answer.

Erlirria seemingly didn't answer as she began walking with him up to the Skaal healers.

But then she spoke.
"Because you wanted your freedom. And I won't kill the only other living Dragonborn."

Skyrim One-Shots (FT: My Travellers Of Tamriel)Where stories live. Discover now