When Erlirria Dies

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(This may give you a brief idea on how their relationships stand, this is also set very far into the future of canon)

The procession up High Hrothgar was long and slow. Weighed down by sadness and grief over what had happened. Headed by those who she new the best and who were the closest to her. Carrying her coffin across each shoulder, followed by allies and friends.

The Dragonborn had died.
Erlirria Daro was with the stars now.

The life had been extinguished from her bones, leaving her cold in bed.
Her old travelling companions had reunited for her funeral.

Inigo the Brave, the blue Khajiit who had retired shortly after Erlirria had, and after she had declared that his life debt to her had been repaid more times than he needed to.

Lucien Flavius, the Imperial Scholar who had returned to Cyrodiil when his friend had retired, and upon hearing her death had come to pass, he had returned to Skyrim to attend the funeral.

Serana, the vampire princess who had followed Erlirria after she and her friends had saved her from the tomb she had been locked away in. Only now would she be the one to bury her friend.

Khayla Daro, Erlirria's younger sister and perhaps the one who had argued with her the most.
Their relationship had always been on the rocks, but after finding and freeing her on Solstheim, they had managed to work together as a unit.
And she never even got to say goodbye.

And Miraak, the First Dragonborn, a disgraced Dragon Priest.
And possibly the only other person who could relate to Erlirria's plight with Dragonblood.
He was her husband.

She had defied Hermaeus Mora and saved Miraak instead of killing him, so that he might travel with her.
And eventually one thing lead to another.
And they were married.

Miraak lead the procession with Ae'ta and Blaise, their two adopted children, a Khajiit and a Nord, who were now teenagers, while the rest of the former travellers carried the coffin.

Paarthurnax was present as the Greybeards stood to welcome them and to perform her last rites.
As they placed down her coffin, the travellers stood back, though many of them crying.
And, per her last request, they were as follows.

"Kynareth bless you, Dragonborn. May you be at peace as you pass through her realm and back to Akatosh, wherever he dwells. We commend your soul to Atherius, the blessings of the divines upon you, for you were one of the greatest souls of Nirn and your Voice the skies themselves feared."

Miraak stood silently, somber, one hand with each of his children.
Mourning his wife, his saviour.

"I am sorry, Miraak." Paarthurnax said quietly. "She was a mighty warrior, but even the Laat Dovahkiin must die some time."
"So what now?" He asked, turning to Arngeir.
"First, I must read her will. For Erlirria knew she was weakening, she sent a letter on the wind."

"To Inigo the brave." Arngier began.
"I leave Dovahkrii, the dragon killing blade. May my legacy be yours to carry on now, my friend." Arngier said, drawing out the sword to hand to Inigo.
The Khajiit took the sword with tears running down his cheeks, missing his friend dearly.

"To Lucien Flavius. I leave the Elder Scrolls of Dragon, Blood and Sun, for I believe you know what to do with them better than I."
Lucien acquired the scrolls and stood with Inigo, the two of them teary.

"To Serana. I leave your father's sword, for long has it stood in my hall, when it should have been yours all along."
Arngier passed Harkon's sword to Serana who took it and stood with the other three.

"And to Khayla Daro. My little sister and the best archer I have ever known, I leave Auriel's Bow. So that the darkness you have always lurked in may see some light."
The Sun bow was handed to Khayla, who actually felt tears running down her furred cheeks.
Standing with Serana, her sobs grew.

Arngier turned towards Miraak.
"And to Miraak. My beloved husband. And the only one who understood what it meant to be Dragonborn. I leave you my house, my armour, my worldly possessions and the custody of our children, Ae'ta and Blaise. I pray that Akatosh lets us meet again someday."

There was silence for a moment.
"So... what happens now?" Lucien asked, wiping tears away.
"Now, Paarthurnax will enact Erlirria's last request."
"Which is?" Khayla asked, her tail curling up against one of her legs.

"To bury her at the Throat of the World. So that her Thu'um could become part of Nirn's voice." Paarthurnax explained. "I will carry her coffin to the peak, where she will be honoured by those who brave the mountain."

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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