A Saturalia Gathering (PT: 3)

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Erlirria stood with Miraak on one side of the yard, while her children, Rafni, Inigo and Lucien stood on the other.

"We have a significant advantage, even though there's only two of us." Erlirria stated.
"Mm." Miraak hummed. "But our children are quick, and they also have numbers on their side."
Erlirria nodded.

Picking up a snowball, the fight began.
They were under heavy fire from minute one, and Miraak even took a snowball straight to the face.
Erlirria checked on him as he went down, but he simply spoke "Yol." Melted the snow, and laughed.

Eventually, Inigo, Lucien and the kids claimed victory when both Dragonborn were covered in snow and thoroughly tired.
"My Thane?" Lydia's voice appeared from the porch.
Erlirria sat up, shaking snow from her head.

"What is it, Lydia?" She asked.
"I believe Serana and Khayla have arrived." She stated.
Erlirria shot up, dragging her husband up with her.

She left everyone to catch up as she sprinted past Lydia and up to the front door.
A knock came.
Opening the door, she found the red eyes and the masked face of her friend and her sister.

"I was worried you both weren't coming for a moment." Erlirria said.
"Sorry. Like I said in the arrow-mail, the horses got snowed in." Khayla said.
Erlirria smiled, "Doesn't matter, you're here now anyway. Come on in."

The two made their way inside, being greeted by the group who had followed Erlirria in from the snowy yard.
"Happy Saturalia!" Ae'ta and Blaise chorused together.

"Hello, great to see you again everyone. Lovely, truly." Khayla said.
Her eyes darted down to Rafni, where she stood slightly behind Inigo.
"I don't know the small child, who is this?" She asked.

"Rafni. My adopted daughter." Inigo explained.
Khayla's brow portrayed surprise and then friendliness, looking back towards the little Khajiit.
"Hi. I'm Khayla, I'm Erlirria's little sister." She said.

"Hello..." Rafni whispered.
"Adorable." Khayla said.
"Did you get the horses here then?" Erlirria asked.

"Oh yeah, after we dug them out, we took Shadowmere and Arvak here. Left them in your stables with Clive and Rusher." Serana explained.
"Miraak! It's a rare sight to see you without your mask!" Khayla greeted as she held out her hand.
He shook it.

"You can thank your sister for that. And for disturbing my reading."
Erlirria snorted. "Disturbed? You practically live in the library tower. And it's Saturalia, you can at least enjoy it with us."
Miraak gave a small laugh at her snark.

"Friends, children." Kharjo's voice emerged from the kitchen.
They turned to see him with an apron draped over his Nordic armour.
"Saturalia Dinner is ready for serving." He announced.

The group seated themselves and feasted until their stomachs were sore, Inigo devouring sweetroll after sweetroll.
Khayla told stories of the past to the children, Miraak read tales of Saturalia around the hearth.
And everyone had a wonderful time.

And as bedtime rolled around, the visitors retired to the guest rooms, the couple tucked their children into bed, and eventually climbed into their own.
And as Miraak and Erlirria lay there in a daze of contentment, they both smiled.
"Happy Saturalia, dii Sahqo Yolos." (My Red Flame)

Erlirria smiled, closing her eyes and curling closer to him.
"Happy Saturalia, dii Lien." (My World)

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