A Saturalia Gathering (Pt: 1)

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(FYI: Saturalia is the Skyrim equivalent to Christmas)

"Miraak!" Erlirria shouted up the funnel of the Dragonborn Library.
"Yes?" The First Dragonborn appeared over the balcony, a book in his hand.
"The others will be arriving shortly, could you come down when you've finished your book?" She asked.

Miraak gave her a nod.
Erlirria left the library entering into the rest of the house.
When suddenly a figure jumped down and landed on her shoulders.

"Gotcha!" A younger voice shouted.
Erlirria scoffed. "Ae'ta! You remember what I said about ambushing me." She scolded, letting the girl off her shoulders.
"Hi ma!" Another voice called.

Erlirria looked over to see Blaise standing the doorway.
"See, why is it that your brother is more well behaved?" Erlirria asked.
Ae'ta was a young bronze-coloured female Khajiit, while Blaise was a Nord boy, perhaps a year older than her.

"Where's Pa?" Blaise asked.
"Up in his tower, like usual. I hope you both haven't been at the presents that Agrane sent us?" She said.
"Don't worry, ma. I've been keeping her away." Blaise said, smirking.

"Nuh-uh! I've been keeping you away!"
"Well, you can both hold off on opening the presents until company arrives, because I have a few for them as well."
"Company? Who's coming to the house, mama?" Ae'ta asked.

"My old travelling friends, if you'd like, you can sit at the window and wait for them. Come and get me in the kitchen when they arrive, ok?"
"Yes, ma!" They both chirped, running away.
Erlirria smiled as they went, turning back to go to the kitchen.

She entered to find the pots and pans alight and cooking over firepits, her two helpers tending to the food.
Kharjo and Lydia, both of which had headed over from the plantation in order to assist Erlirria in cooking Saturalia dinner.
"Hi, you two."

"Hello, my Thane! How are you?" Lydia asked.
Erlirria nodded. "I am well, Lydia, thank you for asking."
Kharjo nodded to her. "Hello, friend." He said.

"Warm sands, Kharjo." Erlirria nodded to him. "How goes the food prep?"
"It's nearly there, but I've forgotten the rest of the Gourmet's recipe."
"Don't worry, I'll go get a copy of the cookbook from the library."

Erlirria returned to the library, scanning the bottom section for the book.
"Uncommon taste, Uncommon taste- ah! Here it is." She muttered to herself.
Taking the book back to the kitchen, she began helping Lydia to finish the food.

Kharjo was cooking the desserts.

"I will use moon sugar for the glazing, I believe it will give them an even sweeter taste." Kharjo said.
"That's ok, just don't go mad. You know how Inigo is about moon sugar."
"Of course, my friend."

"Mama!" Ae'ta's voice called.
The young Khajiit sped into the room, her tail flicking around behind her.
"What is it, Ae'ta?" Erlirria asked.

"I think they're starting to arrive!" She said.
Erlirria smiled, pat the girl on the head, and made her way over to the lobby.
And, sure enough, there came a knock on the door.

Erlirria opening the door, revealing the blue fur and the blonde hair of two of her oldest friends.
"Inigo! Lucien! So good to see you both!" She said.
"My friend! I trust you are keeping well?" Inigo asked.

"Just fine, Inigo, just fine. Come on in, both of you."
"Actually, it's not just the the two of us." Lucien said.
Erlirria raised her brow. "Oh?"

Inigo stood aside, revealing a beige and brown-striped Khajiit, no younger than Ae'ta, with pearl blue eyes.
"Aw! Hello. What's your name?" She asked.
"R-Rafni." She murmured.

"She's a little shy." Inigo said.
"She's precious, come in." Erlirria said.
The three of them knocked their boots of snow as they came in, hanging their coats on the rack by the door.

"How'd you get here?" Erlirria asked.
"Rusher and Clive, I met Inigo and little Rafni on the way and we rode here together, we left the horses in your stables, as long as that's alright?" Lucien asked.
"That's perfectly fine, Lucien. We made sure to have extra space for visitors."

"Is Miraak here?" Inigo asked.
"He's up in the library, I asked him to be down once he'd finished his book."
"Where are your kids?" Lucien asked.

"They're in the living room, I asked them to wait on opening presents until everyone was here."
"Have Khayla and Serana not shown up, yet?" Inigo asked.
"No, not yet. Though a courier came by earlier to say they may be a bit late because of the snow."

The three visitors followed Erlirria into the living room, where Ae'ta and Blaise were sat by the Saturalia tree.
"Happy Saturalia!" They both chirped as they entered.
"Ae'ta, Blaise, you remember Uncle Inigo and Uncle Lucien, right?" Erlirria asked.

"Mhm!" They hummed together.
"I'd like you both to meet little Rafni, as well. Your new cousin." Erlirria said.
Rafni waved her small hand timidly.

Ae'ta came over and smiled at her.
"Hi! You wanna play a game?"
"Uh... ok." She whispered.

"What do you wanna play?"
"Do you... wanna go outside and build a snow-cat?" Rafni asked.
Ae'ta and Blaise nodded excitedly, the three of them scampering away.

"I guess we can go sit on the porch for the time being, the food won't be ready for a while, yet." Erlirria said.
"I'll meet you there, I'd just love to have a look around your house, Erlirria. It seems so much bigger than the last time I was here."
"Of course Lucien, join us when you're ready, and...also, check on Miraak for me again, would you?"

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