Lee processed all this, then asking, "What about dad, how is he doing?"

"Azrael... I think he is worried about you. But he and Vienna have been sticking together a lot the past two days,"

"Thank you, Mysie. For thinking about me, and for coming here to talk to me. I really needed it."

"Of course, babe. Anything," Mysie said, squeezing Lee and this time Lee gratefully hugged her back.

"Okay, it's time for me to go. I have to get back before anybody notices that I am gone," Mysie says, getting up, and Lee nodded.

Just as Mysie let Lee's arm go, Lee felt something cold slip into her hands, and she looked up at Mysie in confusion when she saw what it was.

"What?" she whispered, puzzled.

"Keep it. I think you deserve to be able to fight if battle breaks out. It's your fight, it won't be fair if you are stuck in your room while everyone is out fighting," Mysie whispered, slipping out of the room and shutting the door with a click behind her before Lee could say anything else.

It was a key. Mysie had slipped her the key to her room.


It was late at night when Lee heard the first boom. Felt the first vibrations. She immediately got up from her bed, looking out her window, and right at the edge of where her vision cut off, she saw a blast and then shadows passing through it. Her heart stopped in her chest. It had started.

Lee heard the shuffle of feet outside her room, but none of them stopped to let her out. Had they forgotten she was locked up or did they not want her in battle anymore?

What- how was Interitus doing this? How was he building up his army so quickly? They had been in battle just a day ago and he was powerful enough to fight again?

Shit, Lee muttered, getting up from the bed and shuffling around the room, picking up the various daggers that she had had lying around from before. After she was ready, Lee got the key from her beside, silently thanking Mysie over and over. She would have had to sit out the fight if it hadn't been for her.

But it was time for revenge. She didn't care if she wasn't allowed out of the room, she was going, and she was going to get her revenge too.

She got out of the room, throwing the key into a pocket and ran down the hallway, skidding to a stop as she reached the entrance of the mansion. What she saw shocked her to the point that she had to stop and look for a second, and she realised that she wasn't the only one wanting revenge. The gods and their children fought today in more glory than they ever had before. They fought for Khayme.

That's when Lee's eyes fell on Vienna and her feet fell into action. Vienna was up in the air again, the air around her shimmering golden white. She was fighting Interitus, and her eyes were blazing a hot white that Lee had never seen before.

She fell in line beside her mom, shouting at her that she can handle Interitus for a while, and that she should go help some of the others. Vienna's power was the most effective on the shadow demons, just like Khayme's had been.

Vienna nodded, and pulled away her powers, putting all the load on Lee. A cold, ugly laugh left Interitus' mouth as he looked at the girl in front of him.

"There you are, my saviour. My darling, you don't know how I have longed to take you with me. To torture you, to kill you second by second. You were the one who saved me, but if I don't kill you first, you could be my destruction. And we don't want that, do we?" he said in a sickly, sweet voice. Lee shivered, chills going through her spine and she couldn't start to imagine the amount of disgust and hate she felt for him.

And he scared her, he really did. But she could never let him see that.

Lee sent blasts of power his way, though he managed to deflect them with one flick of his finger. It frustrated her, but she knew that she wasn't at her full power. She was tired, both physically and emotionally.

Lee gave a grunt of surprise, as she felt a shove, or a force against her back, and felt herself flying through the air, falling onto the grass a few feet away. Inches away from Interitus.

Lee groaned as she tried to move. She must have broken something, because everything hurt. She managed to turn herself over, her eyes falling on the demon. He slowly walked towards her, a smile on his face and his eyes shining brighter than ever.

"There you are. Finally in my grasp. Finally mine to take," he whispered, crouching down beside her as he lifted her face to look up at him, and Lee pulled her face away, disgusted by where his skin touched hers.

"Get away from me!" she spat, trying to move away, but he was doing something to her, she was getting drowsier by the second. "What are you doing to me?" she said, her voice getting heavier, it got harder to speak with every word.

"Nothing, darling. Just sleep for now," he said, and with that Lee's eyes fell close. 


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