Chapter 34- Judgement Night

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Jughead asked us all to head to the Whyte Wyrm while he and FP take Fangs to the hospital. Some of the Serpents obey but like hell Pea and I will that is why we are trashing Riverdale High
Pea and I walk down the stairs while Pea drags his pocket knife across a banner, I have a bat in my hand
"Serpents stop!" I hear my brother yell out to us making me chuckle
"Well fellas, and Rory, looks like we found some Bulldogs to put down" we walk towards Archie, Kevin and Moose pissed
"Sweet Pea, Aurora, I swear Reggie didn't shoot Fangs. It was Mrs Klump"
"Bullshit. Your just as much to blame, we saw you and Mantle with a gun" I shout at my brother
"If you saw us then you saw me tackle him before he got a shot off"
"The intention was still there Archie" I yell
"Rory listen to me. It was Midges mom, she's down at the station right now giving a statement"
"And Fangs is clinging to life. She's going to feel so fucking guilty when the truth comes out and if he dies I promise you and the rest of you dogs, I will make the Northside pay" I seethe through my teeth
"Whether it was Reggie or Mrs Klump who pulled the trigger, a Northsider put him there! you took our friend. You took our land, hell you'll take everything if we have you the chance. So now you get to watch as we burn your school to the ground" Pea says as I pick up a trash can and scatter the trash on the floor. Pea takes it from me and throws it against the glass case holding all the trophies the Northside have won
"What's happened to you Rory?"
"Don't forget Archikines it's your girlfriends parents who hired the shitty sheriff who failed to protect a young boy from being shot. Just let that sink in" I spit just as the doors to the school open
"What the hell do you think your doing in my school?" Principal Weatherbee says coming in with other teachers all holding weapons "out now!" he shouts and we all walk out of the school, I'm the last one to leave "I'm very disappointed in you Miss Andrews"
"Not as much as I am in this town" I sadly say walking out and joining the other Serpents where Jughead is waiting for us. This time we do end up going back to the Whyrm.

While at the Wyrm Jug tells us that the Ghoulies just attacked Pops, thankfully dad, Mr Keller and FP sorted the situation out
"I can't just sit here" Pea yells
"Sweet Pea your staying put" Jug holds Pea at his jacket, a funny scene because Sweet Pea could literally put Jughead on his ass
"You said it yourself, the Ghoulies are back" Pea pushes back
"We will deal with them" Pea looks down at his feet "as soon as my dad gets back..."
"Oh so your not our leader all of a sudden. That's right, your just the guy who got Fangs shot"
"Sweet Pea" I scold him frowning "you know as well as I do that it wasn't Jughead. If we want to blame someone we blame that fucked in the head sheriff, we blame the Lodges for hiring him. We do not need to turn on each other" I say looking around
"Babe Fangs might die and the Ghoulies are out for our blood because of a drag race he he started!" Pea shouts pointing at Jughead
"I suggest you calm the hell down Sweet Pea and stop shouting at me"
"An hour. That's all I'm asking for Sweet Pea" Pea turns around and hits the wall before walking over to the bar to get a drink. I sigh
"I'll calm him down" I say to Jug following Pea to the bar
"I'm sorry I shouted at you, I'm just angry"
"I know I am as well, but if you ever talk to me like that again I won't hesitate to drop kick your ass"
"I'm sure you would" Sweet Pea looks at me with a little smile which soon fades "what if he dies Rory? what do I do then?"
"Well if that happens" I put a huge emphasis on the word if "then I will be here for you "I'll always be here for you"
"Thanks" Pea takes my hand in his and gives it a squeeze. He then looks around seeming confused
"What is it?" I ask
"Wherea Toni?" I then look around also not seeing her
"Maybe she's with Cheryl?" I try to give an explanation just as I watch Jughead looking worried on the phone. He quickly leaves the Wyrm, leaving me with a hell of a lot of questions.
Not long later I get a phone call off dad asking where I was. Obviously I tell him I'm safe and with the Serpents and that FP was here. Dad told me to stay put until it's safe enough to come home, but if I'm being honest I think that will be a while.

Jughead walks back into the Whyte Wyrm with Toni and Cheryl next to him
"Oh my god" I shout running over to the 2 girls "your ok. What happened?"
"Penny Peabody and the Ghoulies happened" she says to me "but don't worry, Chery and Jughead saved me"
"Thank you" I say looking at Cheryl
"I'm sorry" Cheryl says making me look at her confused "I'm sorry to all of you" Cheryl looks around addressing all of the Serpents "I was so very wrong about you all, I'm sorry how I behaved, but from now on I have your back" I smile at Cheryl
"It's time we end the Ghoulies scourge and that traitor Penny Peabody once and for all permanently" Pea says firmly looking around at all of us in the bar, I stand next to Toni who has her arms crossed
"Sweet Pea 2 hours ago your fight was with Reggie Mantle. Now you want us to go to war over territory we don't even control anymore. This is Hiram Lodges problem not ours" Jug replies
"So you're just going to hand over Sunnyside trailer park, our home, to Penny and the Ghoulies?" Toni says leaning against a pool table
"Toni I don't want us to die" Jug walks over to Toni "a rumble with the Ghoulies right now, it's a suicide run"
"It's better than a cowards death" Pea states
"Don't call me a coward" Jughead gets in Sweet Pea's face
"Jughead he didn't he was just saying...."
"That's enough" FP yells cutting me off. FP walks towards us "I just got a call from the sheriff's office. Fangs uh. He didn't make it. He's gone"
"No" I whisper, tears already threatening to spill from my eyes. Cheryl pulls me and Toni in for a hug
"We will mourn him hell yeah we will but first we will hour him. From what I just heard, sounds like we need to put it to a vote. All those against going to war with the Ghoulies?" no one raises their hand "and all those for giving them hell on the battlefield tomorrow?" all raise their hand except Jughead who keeps his back to FP

I'm packing a bag with Pea when FP, with a phone in hand, turns to look at us a scared look on his face. FP ends the call he was on
"Toni, where was Penny hiding out?" he says looking at Toni. Toni tells FP who quickly leaves the bar and we all hear his bike leaving
"I guess we're following him" Pea says putting down the duffle bag and taking my hand in his. Toni, Cher, Pea and I all head out and get on a bike, Cheryl on the back of Toni's, me on the back of Sweet Pea's.

Once we arrive at the location theres smoke coming from an old fire
"Jughead!" I yell "FP!"
"Where is he? Where's Jug?" Betty asks walking over to us with Archie
"You ok?" Archie asks me
"Yeah I'm fine"
"Where the hell are Jughead and FP" I say cuddling into Sweet Pea for warmth, just then I see FP carrying something that looks like a body
"No" I breath out griping Pea tighter as we slowly walk towards FP, we then all realise it's Jughead and his Serpent tattoo has been carved out of his arm.

Safety Net- SP 2 ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang