Chapter 27- The Hills Have Eyes Pt3

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That evening we sit around the table playing monopoly with drinks
"I have a hotel in park place" V says to Betty "that brings your total to $150, sorry B it's noting personal"
"Yeah I know it't just business"
"Only if this game was real right now" I sigh looking at the stack of fake money I have. Betty's phone starts to ring
"Ew it's my mom. Should I answer it?"
"No" everyone answers as if it's not even a question
"What if it's about Chic? let me just.." Betty gets up from her space "hey mom what's up?" she asks walking out of the room
"By the way are when are we ever gonna get to meet Chic?"
"I actually did, before we left" Jughead responds to Veronica
"And, how was he?" Veronica asks
"Yeah what's he like?" I also ask
"Honestly, he's kind of creepy"
"In what way?" but before Jug has the chance to reply to me Betty walks back in
"Everything ok?" Archie asks
"No actually. My mom is freaking out because Hiram Lodge just bought the Riverdale Register" we all look at Veronica to see if she had anything to say
"OK Betty before we freak out..."
"My mom is loosing her mind, my dad'd not answering her calls" we all stand up "Veronica did you know your dad was buying the Register?"
"What of course not Betty"
"See this is what I'm talking about"
"Relax Jughead" Archie sides obviously with the Lodges. I scoff "got something to say Aurora?"
"Yeah actually I do. I know I have brushed Jughead off about all of this, but why would he buy the Register, he has something planned, but you have your nose stuck way to far up his ass to see he's planing something. When it was the school I thought nothing of it, it's a run down school, when he bought the trailer park, like you I thought that he was trying the make peace but now this? I dunno Arch, now it seems suspicious" I fold my arms looking at my brother
"Wait is this why you brought us here?" Betty ask "to get us out of town while your dad does these things?"
"Ok now who sounds crazy. You were on my side not long ago Sweet Pea"
"Trust me I was never on your side. If Rory is now having doubts about your dads intentions, then so do I"
Lodge Industries have been buying properties all over the Southside. Now he buys the one news paper in town so people can't report on what he's doing"
"Now that makes sense" I say
"This is a classic gambit of mobster criminals"
"Shut the hell up Jughead"
"Archie" I scold
"Archie this one's simple so even you might get this if you stopped kissing up to Hiram for two seconds"
"Jugs right Archie, I don't like this relationship between you and her dad" I motion to Veronica
"How many times have I defended you? and now you stab my family in the back" Betty says hurt
"It sounds to me you should be mad at your dad for selling the paper, not mine"
"Because your dad probably manipulated Betty's, thats what mobsters do isn't it?" I shout at Veronica
"Yeah theres noting evil about buying a newspaper"
"Ok, so if theres nothing going on, then why was this such a secret?"
"I am so sick of your vendetta's against my dad. He's done plenty of good things"
"Yeah like what?" Betty says
"Go one name one thing he's done"
"He's..." Veronica struggles to find something so Archie interjects
"He paid our dads medical bills"
"He paid them? or she did?" once again I point to Veronica "or did he pay them the keep dad silent? every good deed that man does always has a reason that benefits him"
'Veronica has got you wrapped around her little finger"
"And other parts of her body" Betty says after Jug
"Oh I'm sorry we don't spend our time being tragic and moping and holding hands while watching serial killer documentaries. Oh and wearing costumes to roll play to get our rocks off" suddenly theres a shattering sound
"Where did that come from?" Jug asks
"Who else knows we're here?" Archie adds. Some men coming running at us, Pea pulls me behind him
"You rich summer folks never learn. You just keep walking around town flashing more cash than we see in a year. We're gonna take what we want then go and if you guys behave yourselves nobody gets their skulls knocked in" Pea laughs a little "you think this is funny?"
"No, well yes. You two aren't gonna do shit"
"Pea stop" I beg him
"You lay a finger on my girls head your dead got it?"
"Just take what you want, he's going to shut up now and you won't have any trouble" Archie says
"Where's your purse?" one of the robbers asks Veronica
"Erm. It's.." V pauses for a moment "in my bedroom"
"Well let's go to the bedroom"
"No no way are you going with her alone. I'll go" Archie says to the men
"Archie. It's fine. I'll be fine. We will be right back. Everybody needs to just stay calm" Veronica walks off from us all
"You ok?" Sweet Pea turns to face me
"Yeah I'm fine"
"They won't hurt you. I won't let them"
"I know".

Not long later Veronica returns with one of the robbers and goes back to Archie
"Can we go already?" one of the robbers asked clearly not as comfortable as the other one is "you got the cash?"
"Yeah I god the cash"
"Then you got what you wanted" Archie spits
"Not everything. Not yet. Why don't you all get on your knees"
"Come on man let's not do this"
"Shut up" the robbers argue "I said, on your knees. Hands behind your back" once again Pea gets in front of me "DO IT" the man yells make me jump. We all get down on our knees terrified of what these men want to do "it's a nice cabin. Sorry we have to make such a mess of it" just then the phone rings making us all look over to it "what the hell is that?"
"That would be the security company calling to check on the alarm I hit in my bedroom. I say you have about 30 seconds to run before this place is swarming with guards who will shoot first and ask questions never" V says. They both run out as the main guy says
"Screw your rich bitch" I sigh as Sweet Pea pulls me into him and kisses the top of my head. Archie then decides to run after the robbers, of course we're all calling out his name.

Later that evening we decide to leave and go home. The core four go to Pops for food while Pea and I just go back to his trailer
"You know I was actually scared of you getting hurt tonight" Pea says
"I was scared you would get hurt with you running your mouth"
"Im ok baby. I'll always be ok" we share a kiss before heading off to bed.

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