Chapter 16- The Watcher In The Woods Pt2

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I finish cheer practice and notice a note on my locker door saying 'feeling scared? want protection? call the red circle. Text or call 555 0145'
"What the hell?" I say as Veronica walks up behind me
"Archie and the other Bulldogs"
"Crap, this isn't good"
"I know Rory, but that's not why I came to find you. Lover boy is waiting outside for you" she nudges me with a smirk
"Thanks V"
"So have you and Sweet Pea you know, done the deed?"
"Errrm yes, just the once though. This time it feels different. With Reggie that's all it was, sex" I continue to talk as we walk outside "with Sweet Pea, I dunno we have a connection and I think I'm falling for him"
"Well there he is in all of his leather clad glory" Veronica points to where Pea is waiting "I'll see you tomorrow" she hugs me then walks off. I walk over to Sweet Pea who immediately kisses me on the lips.

"What are we doing here?" I ask as Sweet Pea pulls up in front of Southside high
"Going to get Toni and the others" I nod my head and follow him
"Stay close to me" Pea wraps his arm around my waist and leads me into the school. I notice how much of a shit hole the place is, graffiti everywhere and trash all over the floor. Sweet Pea leads me into a room that's full off dust and I see Toni and Jug tidying up
"Topaz lets bounce" Sweets says still with his arm around me "Jones, you wanna come with? we're going down to the quarry"
"Uh I don't have my beach bod yet"
"What? You'll ask for help from the Serpents when you need it but won't hang with us. Don't come crawling to us hat in hand when some Ghoulie decides to earn his stripes by taking out FP Jones' kid"
"Duly noted. Thank you Sweet Pea. I appreciate what you and the Serpents have done for me and my dad. I do, but I'm done ok? No more favours coming your way" I frown not really understanding what Jughead and Sweet Pea are talking about. Sweet Pea removes his arm around me and moves towards Jughead, but Toni comes in between them
"Hey hey he's made up his mind ok? Take the hint Sweet Pea he's just not that into you. Let's motor" Pea puts his arm around my shoulder and we leave to go the the quarry "catch you later Jones" Toni turns round to say
"Bye Jug" I give him a little wave before leaving with Sweet Pea.

The boys all take off their shirts and jump into the water while Toni and I sunbath by the edge
"You know I haven't seen Sweet Pea this happy in a long time"
"I'm glad I make him happy. To tell you the truth Toni, I never felt like I fit in anywhere. Like sure I'm from the Northside, but I could literally be Jugs twin with the way I dress and act" I chuckle
"Can I ask how you and Reggie ever became a thing?" I turn my head to look at Toni and sigh
"He was captain of the football team, I was best friends with the 'it girl' at school. So just like all them teen TV shows and movies, the popular girl dates the popular guy. I thought I loved him, but now I don't think I ever did" I look back to watch the boys in the water, Sweet Pea in particular
"And you know this because you love Sweet Pea?"
"Something like that" I look back to Toni who's smirking
"Hey, are you two coming in?" Fangs yells over to us. Toni gets up and pulls me up. We walk over to the water. I sit down on the edge and Pea pulls me in making me squeal. He holds me up by wrapping my legs around his waist
"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are" he tucks some hair behind my ear
"Have I ever told you how handsome you are" I smile. Pea leans in and kisses me on the lips
"Damn our trios down to two" I break away and turn to face Fangs and Toni
"Fangs, did you just quote the lion king?"
"Nooo" Fangs looks kinda embarrassed
"Who knew a tough Serpent likes Disney" I giggle.

After the quarry I spend the night at Pea's trailer. The next morning Toni gets a message off Jughead saying that the Ghoulies had attacked him so we (Fangs, Toni, Sweet Pea and I) meet at Jughead's trailer. We all walk in to see Jughead slightly busted up
"What did I tell you Jug?" I slightly yell as I get a first aid kit, Toni, Fangs and Pea watching from Jughead's kitchen table
"I know, I know, but it was late, I didn't think anyone would be at the school" soon enough Betty arrives and takes over from me. I go to stand with the other Serpents
"Can't you just take a day off?" Betty asks as she puts some cleaning stuff in a cotton pad
"It's not that bad, just some cuts and bruises from falling off the bike"
"I told you that motorcycle was risky, Jug" we all look at each other now realising that when Jughead told Betty he was hurt, he told her it was the motorcycle "you promised me you we're always going to wear a helmet" Betty says as she's tending to Jugheads wounds
"It was just around the block. Don't blame me all right? blame the pothole" Jug tries to make a joke
"I thought you were gonna say you got jumped by those creepies"
"Ghoulies, but no" Toni corrects her "the Serpents won't allow that. They got Jugheads back. Even through he's not a member, it's just family loyalty" Toni finishes her sentence
"Great, well I've got to go school, try and fix this mess with Kevin"
"What mess?" I ask confused
"Him sneaking to Fox Forrest for a hook up while there's a killer on the loose. Toni, will you keep an eye on him for me?" Betty asks
"All over it" she replies saluting
"Rory, I'll walk to school with you"
"Ok. I'll see you guys later, bye Pea" I peck his lips and walk out of Jughead's trailer with Betty.

That evening Archie had dinner with the Lodges, Pea, Fangs and Toni have diner at my place with my dad. They all seem to get on and dad is happy with them coming over whenever. The next day Archie puts out a video of him and the red circle. I know it's just the Bulldogs in masks and most of them are shirtless.  Archie says it's a message for the Black Hood. This makes me a little nervous....

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