Chapter 14- A Kiss Before Dying Pt2

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We all arrive back at the house, Archie has been a little hostile towards Sweet Pea but he's my brother that's why he doesn't like Pea isn't it? Vegas runs over to Archie
"Hi bud. Nobody has walked you have they?"
"He's probably wondering what the hell happened" I say as he now runs over to me
"Let's go for a walk huh?" Archie says as he goes to get Vegas's lead
"Wait Arch" I try to stop him, he's still covered in dads blood
"What are you doing?" Veronica says straight after me
"I have to walk Vegas"
"Like that? You look like your auditioning for a teen reboot of the shining. No take a shower, I'll walk him"
"Veronica have you ever walked a dog?"
"I've had dogs walked for me, does that count"
"Spoiled brat" Sweet Pea mutters in my ear so only I can hear. I nudge him to tell him to shut up
"I'll get and change then we can all go"
"No that's ok, you two go, Pea and I will stay here to see if we get a call"
"Oh hell no, you two aren't staying in the house alone"
"Archie do you really think we're gonna have sex while dads in the hospital clinging on to dear life?" I raise and eyebrow "and anyway you never had an issue with Reggie" I feel Sweet Pea tense up a little
"Fine, but seriously if you even touch my sister" Archie points at Pea
"Got it" Pea folds his arms. Archie then takes off his varsity jacket and puts a clean one on over his shirt that has blood on. Both Archie and Veronica take Vegas for a walk
"I'm going to take a shower, your welcome to watch TV in my room"
"I thought you were about to say that I was welcome to join you, but sure lead the way" Sweet Pea follows me up the stairs and into my room. Immediately he kicks his boots off and flops onto my bed making me chuckle "what?" he asks looking at me confused
"Just how you've made yourself at home that's all. I won't be long" I smile at him before walking into my bathroom to shower.

After Archie and Veronica come back after their walk with Vegas Archie changes into some clean clothes. Just as we're about to leave to go to the hospital again, Archie's phone rings
"Is it the hospital?" I ask walking over to Archie
"No it's, it's Sheriff Keller" Archie answers his phone, bringing it to his ear "hi, sheriff... what right now? ok" Archie puts down his phone and looks at me "he wants us to go to the station to see us we can identify dads shooter" I shake my head
"No I can't, I don't know what he looked like"
"Ok I'll go, you guys go back to the hospital"
"Are you sure you don't want someone with you?" Veronica asks concerned
"No it's fine. You guys go"

Sweet Pea and I walk back into the hospital with Veronica. Betty and Jughead walk over to us
"Where's Archie?" Betty asks as us looking confused
"At the station doing a line up"
"Why aren't you there?" Betty asks me "that's going to be traumatising. We should go there"
"I'm not there because I don't know what the Black Hood looked like, I just want to be with my dad"
"Actually could you guys do me a favour?" Veronica points to Betty and Jug "Mr Andrews' wallet is missing. It might be at Pops. That or the guy who shot Fred might have it"
"I am still stood here" I say to Veronica
"Sorry" I smiles sympathetically
"Let's go and sit down, wait to see if there's any news or your dad" I nod my head at Sweet Pea and we make our way over to the chairs in the waiting area. Our couple of minutes of peace are ruined when Reggie walks over to Sweet Pea and I
"What's he doing here? Get the hell away from her Serpent"
"Reggie don't"
"How could you let him be here, for all we know he's the one who shot your dad"
"Reggie shut up. We're in a hospital, my dad is fighting for his life and your here trying to pick a fight. If you don't like the fact Sweet Pea is here then go" I slightly yell. Reggie just huffs and goes back to the other Bulldogs but keeps his eye on me and Pea
"What's his deal?" Pea asks me
"He's been trying to get me back, doesn't like the fact that I don't care that your a Serpent"
"Well he can't have you, because now your my girl"
"Your girl?" I turn to face Pea
"You have been from the moment I met you" I blush and kiss his cheek before looking back at Reggie who looks as if smoke is about to come out of his ears.

Archie soon arrives at the hospital, Reggie is the first one to get up and go over to him
"The Bulldogs are here for you" they bro hug as I roll my eyes
"So are the Pussycats. We're sending your dad our prays and giving him as many of our 9 lives as he needs" Josie says also walking towards Archie
"Have they forgotten that your also Fred's child? and does she know she's not actually a cat?" Sweet Pea whispers to me making me chuckle a little
"Well Reggie won't acknowledge me to get under my skin, or yours, Josie well I dunno I guess she's more worried about Archie the golden boy. Well she's never cared about me because if she did she wouldn't have been sleeping with Reggie when we were dating.
"Archie and Aurora Andrews?" I stand up to see Dr Masters "he's in room 12. You guys can go and see him"
"Thank you" Archie and I start walking away
"Listen. He hasn't woken up yet, but talk to him. Coax him back. Keep it positive. That can make all the difference".

"Hey dad" I say walking into the room. Archie and I both sit on a chair opposite each other so we can hold dads hands
"I don't know if you can hear us, Hopefully you can. We're only supposed to talk about good things which limits my options but..."
"Everyone is in the waiting room, wishing you well" I finish Archie's sentence for him
"Yeah, also I'm going to ask Veronica to officially be my girlfriend tonight"
"Oooo Archie's in looove" I tease
"Hey so are you, when are you guys making it officially?"
"I guess we did earlier" I shrug
"I'm not thrilled it's with a Serpent but hey, as long as you happy I guess"
"I am" I smile then look back at dad who has his eyes open
"Dad? Hey dad, can you hear us?" dad slightly nods his head. A nurse comes in after Archie presses a button. The nurse takes off the mask dad is wearing and then leaves us to talk
"Dad I just want to say I'm sorry I didn't do more at Pops"
"Archie" dad roughly speaks
"Whether or not Sheriff Keller finds who did this or not, you don't have to worry. I'm going to protect you and Aurora and nothing like this is gonna happen again. I swear it"
"Son, that's why I came back. To protect my children. Now Rory, what's this I hear about a boyfriend?"dad turns his head to face me
"He a Serpent dad" Archie says
"That doesn't matter. Serpents, Bulldogs, River Vixens we're all the same"
"Thanks dad"
"Just don't get pregnant"
"Oh god, don't worry dad. Your to young to be a grandpa".

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