Chapter 27- The Hills Have Eyes Pt1

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"Fair waring our Shadow Lake chalet is rustic, but it has breathtaking views of mountains, the water.."
"Oh my god that sounds heavenly V" Betty replies to Veronica who has invited us all to her lodge for a weekend break
"And you are inviting me?" Pea asks pointing to himself
"Of course, Rory is one of my nearest and dearest, plus it's a couple getaway so you have to come" Pea looks at me and I shrug
"May as well"
"What do you say Jug? " Betty leans over to Jughead who was writing. He sighs looking from Betty to Veronica
"As long as it's cool with your dad"
"Oh actually Mr Lodge is the one who suggested it" Arch says
"Well cue the duelling banjos. It will be a good chance for me to work on my novel"
"Excellent, but remember the point of this luxury weekend is to relax and unplug"
"Luxury and weekend. Two of my favourite words" Cheryl walks into the lounge smiling "so where are we going and how extravagant of a wardrobe shall I pack?"
"Sorry Cheryl it's kinda a romantic couples only weekend" Veronica says
"I see. Of course. My mistake"
"Hey Cher we can do something together when I'm back?" I say trying to make her feel less left out
"No, don't worry. Have fun with your romances" Cheryl then turns and walks out. Well that wasn't awkward.

Friday evening finally arrives and Veronica picks me, Pea and Archie up from our house. We pick up Betty and Jughead and head to the lodge for our romantic weekend. It wasn't to long of a drive when we arrive practically in the middle of nowhere
"When I was younger we used to come here every summer whenever my dad could sneak away for a weekend"
"Veronica wasn't kidding. It really was the last house on the left" Jug says looking around
"You ok?" I ask Sweet Pea who is also looking around. He looks back down to me
"I'm always ok when your with me" he pecks my lips
"I'll help you with your bags" Andre the driver says getting a bag out of the car
"No no we've got it. Archie, Sweet Pea" Veronica then nods to the boot of the car "TTFN Andre. See you Sunday night at 7pm and not a second earlier. Betty, Rory wait till you see inside" Veronica takes both mine and Betty's arms and walks us inside the lodge with Jughead walking behind us
"Oh wow" Betty says in awe as we walk in. I turn to see Archie and Pea both carrying our bags in
"Welcome to what I humbly like to call Lodge Lodge" a phone begins to ring, I turn around to see Jughead walk out holding his phone in his hand
"I am so excited for this break" I sigh as I feel hands snake around my waist
"As am I" Pea whispers in my ear then kisses my neck making me giggle. I watch as Betty walks out with Veronica and Archie walking behind her. Pea takes my hand and we follow
"Jug what happened are you ok?" Betty asks
"And the drama starts" Pea mumbles making me nudge him
"No drama is starting"
"That was Cheryl" Jug says turning around
"See, just Cheryl feeling lonely" I whisper
"She said you and Archie kissed in front on her house"
"I take it back" I mutter as Pea puts his arm around me
"Can we talk?" Archie asks V who nods. They walk into the lodge leaving Pea and I with Jug and Betty
"I guess we should also talk" Jug says walking into the lodge also. Betty follows him
"Wanna do something else where we don't need to talk?" Sweet Pea asks with a cheeky grin on his face
"A nap?" I ask with raised eyebrows, but Pea shakes his head leaning down to kiss me. I jump and wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me into the lodge.

There are 3 rooms in the lodge, we know which room is our because it looks like V had someone make a sign telling us what room is ours. Pea and I are next to V and Arch. Still carrying me Pea opens up the door and lays me down on the bed and starts to attack my neck in kisses. I start to pull his shirt off so he stops his kisses to help me pull it over his head before kissing my lips. We both hear a squeak coming from the room next to us, Archie and Veronica's
"Are they...." I trail off looking at Pea
"I think they are"
"Well that's one way to kill the mood" Pea rolls off me and puts his shirt back on. I sit up looking at him as the squeaking gets louder "I actually feel sick" I scrunch my face up in disgust
"Wanna go explore?"
"Oh hell yes" we both quickly walk out of the room and back down the stairs.

Later on in the afternoon Archie and Veronica come down and grab a drink just as Pea and I wake up from a nap
"Hey sorry didn't mean to wake you?" Archie says going to get a drink
"Did you find your room?" V asks
"Yeah we did"
"But, you decided to nap on the couch?" V asks looking confused
"Yeah, I guess we just errr, fell asleep" I awkwardly say
"What Rory is actually trying to say is next time keep it down, I nearly got vomited on" Pea says getting up and walking over to the little table in the corner where Archie sat down
"Sorry" Veronica blushes a little "anyway I'm making jalpeno margaritas" Veronica walks over to the kitchen and begins to pull out ingredients
"I'm more of a whisky guy" Pea says
"Nonsense, you will try my margaritas" (AN-why does that sound sexual or is it just me?)
Finally the drinks are ready and we all sit down at the little table and take a sip of the drinks
"No bad V" I say taking another sip. Not long later Betty and Jug come down
"Hey" Veronica and Archie say at the same time, Pea and I just keep drinking
"Relax, everything's fine"
"Well you guys are taking all the news well, if Pea had kissed some tart I probably would have castrated him by now"
"You will never have to worry about me even looking at a woman the same way I look at you"
"Good" Pea and I kiss
"Anyway" Veronica starts "you two haven't tried my jalapeno margaritas" Veronica stands up smiling "who want's one?"

"I'd like to propose a toast, to the Lodge's, to their hospitality, and to putting the past behind us" Jug stands up holding his drink around the living area where we have now moved to
"Cheers" V holds her drink up and we all clink our drinks together
"So do your parents come up here a lot these days Veronica?" Jug asks
"No as much as they'd like. Daddy's such a workaholic you know"
"On the SoDale project?" Veronica nods "how's that going, is it heating up, getting intense?"
"It is, luckily Archie and Rory's dad is doing such a superb job of keeping everything on schedule"
"V tell us more about your fancy neighbours" Betty intervenes knowing that the tension between Jug and Veronica is growing
"Yeah are they in the same business as your dad?"
"Jughead" Betty whispers, scolding Jughead
"Guys what's up?" Archie asks
"Betty I'm just making idle conversation. Sorry please continue"
"It's a hodgepodge really. Some are in entertainment, some are in business, some are in real estate"
"You know what's weird? as we were driving up here I noticed that none of the houses have mail boxes or numbers or anything like that why is that?"
"What's Jughead getting at?" Pea ask me
"I have no idea"
"Shadow Lake is a pretty privet community"
"Like they're hiding something?"
"Jughead" Betty scolds him again "seriously this isn't 20 questions. Veronica tells something to Archie while Betty is talking to Jughead
"Why did we come?" Pea asks me
"I thought it would be dead romantic and drama free. Maybe we should have taken Toni and Fang's offer of going to the cinema
"Guys" Veronica clears her throat "I'm picking up some residual energy tension from, I'm guessing Cheryls random act of cruelty earlier? which is understandable, but fear not, I have just the antidote" Pea and I look at each other nervously.

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