Chapter 30- The Noose Tightens Pt1

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Today we are having our school debate. I'm sat in between Fangs and Sweet Pea holding his hand. Archie is running with Veronica. Betty is with Jughead and Reggie is running with Josie
"Ok now just a reminder that this school hall is a PTA sponsored event. Oh looks like we have our first question" Alice says pointing to Sweet Pea who is now standing up
"Yeah. No offence to the current administration but it feels like no ones looking out for the students being who are being bused in from the Southside. Is that gonna change?" Jug takes the mic
"Absolutely Sweet Pea. That's our priority. No one should be marginalised or excluded here" dad looks at me
"Jughead and I will be representing all students North and Southside alike"
"Next question" Alice quickly interrupts. Pea sits back down huffing, once again I take his hand and smile at him. Midge is next to stand up
"My question is for Archie and Veronica. Rumour has it your parents will soon be on opposite sides of the mayoral election. Won't that negatively affect your working relationship"
"Archie and I adhere to the old maxim that politics are never discussed at the dinner table or the cafeteria table" the crowd laughs but the Serpents all roll their eyes
"Veronica and I are on the same page about everything. Including her family's plans for a prison on the Southside"
"Oh Archie" I shake my head
"Thought you were mad at him?" Fangs asks
"I am but I'm still his sister... unfortunately" I cross my arms
"I'm the meantime however we are committed to improving the quality of life at Riverdale High which means more extracurriculars..."
"Reggie and I agree except add the fact that we can and will deliver results" Josie says
"And we're chill unlike these guys" Reggie now says. Finally the PA event is over and we can leave.

I stand with mom and dad when Hiram and Hermione walk over to us. Arch and Veronica follow behind them
"Fred, Mary. All of Riverdale is buzzing about you running against my wife for mayor"
"I've lived her my whole life. Never went to New York or to prison" ooo the shade "there's no one more qualified than me"
"Plus dad is actually willing to help the Southside and the Serpents unlike you" I comment folding my arms
"You know Hiram, we're still waiting for you to sign those papers" mom says stepping forward "finalising Fred's separation from Lodge Industries"
"Huh" this time is Hermione to step forward "you mean like how we're still waiting for you to sign the NDA that we sent over" I look at dad confused
"Now now mom and dad. Theres no need to become the Montagues and the Capulets just yet" Veronica says stepping in. I burst out laughing which makes everyone look at me
"I'm sorry" I try to breathe "it's just.. there's no way you just referred to you and Archie as Romeo and Juliet? forbidden love my backside" I continue to laugh
"As Veronica and I were just saying, can't this be a fair fight? no hitting below the belt, and everyone signing whatever it is they need to sigh" I wipe the tears that formed from laughing so much
"Mom, dad let's go. I'm worried if we spend anymore time here we are going to get caught up in the mafia"
"My parents aren't part of the mafia Rory" Veronica snaps
"Oh your right, they run it. My bad" I fake a smile at Veronica then frown walking away from the group. Archie ends up going back with the Lodges while I go home with mom and dad.

Archie comes home about 2 hours later. He's sat in his room playing on the guitar while on on his bed doing homework
"You doing the musical this year?"
"Thought we had this discussion that I can't sing for shit"
"That's not true and you know it" Archie puts down the guitar
"Compared to Cheryl, uh yeah it is. And any way Pea won't be doing it"
"Well I think you should at least audition. I hear you close with the director this year" I sigh at Archie
"I'm still mad at you. And at Veronica"
"I know you are but I'm still your brother. Your twin. So when we're at home let me be that. No Archie who's dating Veronica Lodge, but your brother who misses these chats"
"Hey Archie, Aurora" both our heads turn to Archie's door where mom is standing "I need a favour. Your father is announcing his run for mayor on Friday. And his campaign as you know, is based on promoting a wholesome view of Riverdale. The place where he raised his family" mom sits on the bed next to me
"Mom your not asking me to break up with Sweet Pea or leave the Serpents are you? because that will actually just ruin the whole thing for dad"
"No no Rory, but having all of us standing with him, it's an important moment"
"Oh, well sure" I shrug not really knowing why that a favour on my half
"Why isn't dad asking himself?" Archie says earning an eye roll of me
"He's a proud guy, your dad, but I know it would mean the world to him, and to me, if you were both showed up for this"
"Mom, of course I'll be there for dad"
"Now" mom stands up "both of you get to bed you have school tomorrow and Rory you have a shift at Pops tomorrow morning" mom smiles leaving the room
"So you doing the school musical?"
"Maybe. We'll see" I get up and walk out of Archie's room and into mine, quickly changing and climbing into bed.

My shift at Pops the next morning goes fine. Alice, FP, Betty and Jug take a booth and have breakfast. Maybe FP and Alice are giving Betty and Jughead the talk. I remember when dad gave me the talk when I first started dating Reggie.

I only do a short shift because before I know it I'm at school in a classroom sat on top of one of the counter tops in a science room next to a fuming Sweet Pea
"You promise us a war then you're on stage looking like buddy holly sucking up to the Northside?"
"We need those votes Sweet Pea it's the only way we can effect any change. Whoever's elected gets on the school board which means were on the inside that mess they can't silence us"
"You and the Northside Princess you mean?" Fangs says who's on a chair next to me
"Wait is that why you guys are pissed? Bettys on our side" Jug shouts annoyed
"Yeah I've helped the Serpents on numerous occasions. I helped find the Pickens statues head. I got Cheryl to testify in court so FP your king could get early parole..."
"You did all that for your boyfriend not the Serpents" Pea says
"Alright. Take it dow Sweet Pea anyway couldn't you say the same for Rory? she's doing a lot just for her boyfriend. She didn't even do the dance, Betty has"
"Erm if you remember rightly I have always been in support of the Serpents"
"Rory proved herself, she didn't do the dance because I didn't want her to. She is actually a member of the Serpents unlike her. It's only a matter of time before she bails on us just like her mother" Pea points at Betty
"Ok so your objections aren't even about me they are about my mom"
"Her legacy yeah. She's an enemy of the Serpent state. Taking shots at us in the register for years blaming us for their crimes, crimes we didn't commit. Running with a turncoats daughter is a slap in the face, and for that reason alone your not getting the Serpent vote" Jughead looks defeated. It stays silent for a bit while I check the time. I sigh
"I have Vixen practice. I'll see you later" I get down from the counter top and kiss Pea on the cheek walking out of the room.

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