Surcouf's betrayal

Start from the beginning

P201 looks at her ship burning while she tries to hold on from somewhere and struggling to stand up. He can't help but feel proud for what he just did. He just took out a battleship without taking a single hit. No patrol boat would be able to do that without at least taking some damage. Yet he succeeded without any issues.

He picks up his loudspeaker and yells out at Littorio while smiling.

P201: How do you like that you fascist face?

He's not expecting for an answer though. He's too excited to keep up fighting that he no longer considers Littorio a threat. The blast from the missile was so big that she has been put out of action for the rest of the battle. Her turrets are destroyed and her engines are disabled. She won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Maybe they can capture her as a prisoner of war. She might be able to provide valuable information.

At the same time, Enterprise and Zuikaku are fighting each other in hand to hand combat. Zuikaku tries to slain Enterprise with her sword while she defends herself with her bow. The fight seems to be a stalemate as neither is able to gain the upper hand. At some point, Zuikaku is able to knock out Enterprise but is then stopped by Belfast who is then able to shoot her, forcing her to fall back. In general neither side is able to gain the upper hand. They are fighting in equal numbers, all except the Ethiopians. Their superior weapon systems are able to bring down every Siren ship and aircraft that approaches them within a distance of 20 meters. In the end, the Sirens have lost nearly all of their jets and half of their ships while the Ethiopian fleet hasn't suffered a single loss. In the end, they are the real victors in this battle.

Hornet and Richelieu are observing P201, admiring his fighting skills and his firepower. They want to provide him cover but he refused, saying he can mage on his own. It's the first time they see someone being so tough in battle, especially someone who is a patrol boat. Someone so tiny yet so determined that he stops at nothing. They wish they could be like him and fight like him, without any fear and without any hesitation.

As P201 is about to sink another Siren ship, he notices Unicorn's Fairey Swordfish biplanes heading towards another Siren ship while encountering heavy AA resistance. A very reckless move, sending her torpedo bombers without any fighter escort. She has already lost too many planes. She can't continue like that. If she loses all of her squadrons, she'll have nothing to defend herself with.

He grabs the radio and contacts Unicorn.

P201: Unicorn, this is P201. Are you receiving me.

After a few parasites, Unicorn's voice is heard on the radio.

Unicorn: Big bro. You're okay. I was so worried...

Before she can say anything more, P201 interrupts her.

P201: I'm okay. Listen, I need you to call off your planes. You risk losing all of your squadrons.

Unicorn responds in a rather worried voice.

Unicorn: And what about you big bro?

P201: Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I've been through worse. This is nothing.

Unicorn: Okay. Take care.

P201: Don't worry I will.

After putting down the radio he grabs the 50 caliber and heads towards another Siren ship, opening fire at any aircraft that try to attack him.

At the same time, F-1616 and F-1617, along with Surcouf, King George V, Illustrious, Cleveland and Queen Elizabeth were fighting against the Siren carriers and battleships, scoring many hits without taking any damage. F-1616 and his brother are very careful as to where they aim and shoot. P201 is among the enemy, hitting them form a close range. They don't want to accidentally hit one of their own ships. 

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