I went back into the locker room. Unlocked my locker with the key and unzipped my bag and grabbed my gloves. I put them on quickly as I got through the door and walk towards Greg and the punching bag.

Greg was standing behind the punching bag and holding it tight. I was letting all my emotions out with each hard punch. About twenty minutes into it, I could feel the sweat dripping down my face. Greg said nothing to me.

Later we talked about other stuff that don't include Summer, the wedding, and Tasha. But I must make it right for her.


In the morning, I took another shower. I put on my red boxers, blue jeans, a black shirt, and my brown leather jacket. I left Summer a note on my pillow because she was still sleeping when I left. I grab a black sharpie marker and put it in my jacket pocket. I'm going to get her favourite hot drink from Starbucks.

On the way there, so many thoughts were going through my mind. What if I ran into her? Will she slap me in the face this time? Will she tell me she hates me?

I found a parking spot in front of Starbucks. I turned off the truck and got out. I walked into the store and only two people were in line before me.

I was thinking of Tasha.

"Sir, can I help you?" A lady behind the counter says to me. Then I realized I was still standing in the same spot with no one in front of me.

"Sorry. I'll get a large Cafe Misto and that will be all, miss." I walk towards the counter.

"That will be $4.75, sir." She said, and I took out my wallet and gave her a five-dollar bill. She pressed the screen and open the cash register.

"Here's your change sir and your drink will be on the right counter." She hands me $0.25 change in my hands.


"You're welcome and have a good day, sir." I nodded my head at her.

Let's hope so.

I made my way to the right counter and waited for Tasha's drink to be done. A guy passed me the hot drink, and I said thanks to him. I went to the table and thinking of what to write. Greg said it must come from your heart. Finally, after five minutes, I grab the black sharpie from my jacket pocket, took off the cap, and wrote it down on the side of the cup.

Once I was done writing it. I decided to man up for my mistakes and walked toward her office building. But as I crossed the street, I began getting nervous.

I stood out of her building and took a couple of deep breaths.

Okay, here goes nothing. I open the doors to the building and walked inside.

I see a lady at the front desk and walked towards her.

"Can I help you, sir?" The lady stares at me.

"Um.... Can you point me to the direction of Tasha ford's office?"

"She's in a meeting right now sir."


"Would you mind Ms.-"

"Bonnie, the name is Bonnie." I shake her hand and we let go.

"C.J." Once I said my name, she was eye rapping me from head slowly going down, then stops at midway and she continues going down.

I pretend to clear my throat. She looked up at me and smiled. I guess she likes what she sees.

"Would you mind giving this drink to Tasha, please?" I passed her Tasha's hot drink in hoping she didn't read what I wrote.

"Yes, I will C.J."

The Grooms Baby- Book 1 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now