7th Grade: Cadie

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"I'll see y'all after school!" Darry calls from the living room as Ponyboy and I walk outside.

"See you, Darry!" I called. Ponyboy kept his head down. "Ponyboy, be nice to Darry, would ya? He's being nice to you."

"He yells at me all the time," Pony replies, "Also, he calls Soda 'little man' and you 'small child'" Ever since mom and dad died last year Pony's became less social.

"The only reason he doesn't call you that is because you told him not to," I say, not wanting to start a fight with him.

"Whatever," he starts as we arrive at school, "I'm going to go talk to Dally and Johnny."

Did he just say, Dally? "Did you just say, Dally?!"

"Um...yeah," Pony replies, looking at me like I'm crazy.

I realize that I might be screaming, just a little bit. "Sorry," I say lowering my voice, "But, Dally?! Like Dally Winston?!"

"Yeah, did I forget to mention that?" Pony says nervously backing away.

"He ditched us for you and Johnny?!" I whisper yell, not even acknowledging him. I drag Pony by the elbow and stop right in front of Dally.

"Sorry," He says looking at his feet. He ditched me for my older brother and his best friend and all he can say is 'Sorry'?

"Ugh," I roll my eyes turn, and walk away. The walk turns into a jog and before I know I'm running into the auditorium. I like to come in here to think. Sometimes a tall, muscular guy covered in grease will come and sit on the stage. Most of the time he picks up a guitar and plucks at it while mumbling lyrics. He isn't the best at guitar but his lyrics are epic. I just sit in the back unnoticed. I am a very social person, and I'd naturally start up a conversation with him. Except for the fact that he's in high school, or I'm assuming. He's got to at least be a freshman. I look at my watch, It's almost time for homeroom. As I'm leaving I run into someone. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I look up and it's him. The tall muscular guy is standing right in front of me.

"You're fine," He says, "Hey what's your name, I've seen you around."

"Y-you've seen me around?" Please don't say you always knew I was there.

"Yeah, I come in here a lot while you're thinking." Shoot.

I sigh, "I've got to go homeroom starts soon." I can feel my face heating up and I turn to walk out.

"Name's Steve by the way!" He hollers after me.

I turned back still smiling, "Cadie!" With that I take off into a jog, I wish the homeroom was closer to the auditorium.


At lunch Pony and Johnny come sit next to me and Ash. "What do you want Pone?"

"Nothing jus' thought we'd come to sit with you girls," He responds.

"Mhm, yeah. Where's Dally?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Getting lunch last time we saw him," Johnny chimed in. I look over, but Dally isn't getting lunch he's talking to Cherry.

"Cadie, you good? Your face is all red," Ash says.

"I- yeah..." I mumble as I turn my head back, but Johnny keeps talking.

"Hey, Dally! Get over here!" He yells. Dally looks shocked then walks over.

"So, umm, Is this going to be weird or can we all just hang out together?" Dally says in his sheepish voice that he uses every time he's trying to sound tuff. It was kinda cute. Wait. No. No no no no NO! Did I just think what I think I thought?!

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