6th Grade: Ash

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"Ashlynnnnnnn!" Dally moaned as he walked over to me.

"What, Dally?" I asked, turning my head in his direction.

"Wanna go to the drive-in with me, Johnnycake, and Pony?" He responded.

"Who?" I replied, apparently I wasn't good enough to meet his new friends before, but it seemed like Dally trusted me enough.

"The gang," He replied.

"You have a gang?" I teased.

"Some friends," He said with a glare.

I nodded. "I'll go."

"Then let's get going!" I got up and went to the bathroom to do my hair, I wish I could do braids like mom used to do. I was still in my pajamas, and I figured it would be odd for a sixth-grade girl. to show up in a skull crop-top and plaid pajama pants--so I grabbed my red crop-top and overalls and slipped those on, and threw on my scuffed-up white sneakers.

"Okay, I'm ready, Dal!" We were headed off.


"Dally!" a voice called, "over here!"

"Hey Johnny, hey Pony." He says as he messes up their hair.

"Whose that?" A boy with reddish-blond hair pointed to me.

"My little sister."

"Ashlynn, Ashlynn Winston, and we're twins." I rolled my eyes as I held out my hand, the reddish-blond boy shook it.

"How come you ain't ever tell us you had a sister, Dal?" he asked, Dallas just shrugged.

"And one that looks better than you, too!" The cute one chimed in

I blushed and ignored the comment, "What's your name?" I asked him.

"That's Pony, I'm Johnny," He said, "It's nice to meet ya."

"So we goin' to the movies or not?" Johnny asked

I nodded, grinning "Yeah, yeah we're goin'" so we went to the movies, my eyes went to the row in front of us, there were two girls that seemed vaguely familiar to me, then it clicked, that was Cherry Valance and Marcia after the boys went to grab some cokes, I decided to talk with them, "Hey Cherry, hey Marcia!"

Cherry turned her head, "Ash?".

"Where's Bob and Randy?" I asked.

"Smoking behind those trees over there." Marcia frowned and pointed to trees on our left. I rolled my eyes.

"Great seein' you here though!" Cherry quickly changed the subject.

"Yeah, same here."

Then the boys came back, "Who're they?" Marcia pointed towards the three of them.

"My brother Dallas and his friends, Ponyboy, and Johnny," I replied as they nodded.

"He was bugging me bout a date the other day and I kept telling him, no, yet he kept asking me. He has no idea when to stop, does he?" Cherry says.

"Sadly no." I sighed 


After the movie was done Dal and I started the walk home. A few minutes later a dude strolls up to us. "Hey, Two-bit," Dallas said. Which beats me. Is there like a secret network where all boys communicate 'cause I swear they all know each other?

"Hey Dally," The dud- Two-bit, says, "And who's this babe." Normally when guys hit on me while Dally's around he gets mad and yells at them to bag it, but he just laughs and introduces me to him. Two-bit's a Freshman and he lives with just his mom. Whenever guys recurrently hit on me in one conversation, I feel weird, but I get the feeling it's just part of Two-bit's personality. It might be weird but it doesn't feel weird when Two-bit does it. He's got a big brother vibe.

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