Kagaya: You assassinated him, but you were interfered.......

Inei: I'm sorry for my incompetence.

Kagaya: No, it's all right, Inei.

Kagaya: The fact that you were able to wipe out the Lower Moon Ranks, corner the Upper Moon Ranks One, Two and Three, and even the King of Demons himself.........

Kagaya: It's been centuries ever since someone had cornered him......ever since the First Breath User.........

Inei: Yoriichi Tsugikuni, wasn't it?

Kagaya: And now, it seems like someone like him followed his footsteps, which is you.

Kagaya: The Demon King feared Yoriichi, and what you did to Muzan, he will do everything in his power not to show himself to you.

Inei: Then.........

Inei: I will stalk him, like a dark shadow.........

Inei: Once I've had another chance........

Inei: I will kill him once and for all.

Kagaya: No, not yet. It is not yet the promised time.

Inei: The promised time?

Kagaya: Yes.

Kagaya: For the first time, I saw you in my Foresight.

Inei: !?

Kagaya: You fought side another demon slayer...........

Kagaya: And all of you, managed to claim victory.

Inei: .........

Kagaya: Inei, once you recovered at the Butterfly Mansion, I will allow you to have your rest.

Kagaya: If possible, you can also continue your search for the remaining members of the Kamado Family.

Inei: Thank you, Kagaya-sama.

I bowed to him.

Kagaya: Go forth, my child.

Kagaya: You deserve a long rest from your long journey.

I quietly left the Ubuyashiki Estate, and went to the Butterfly Mansion.

I entered the mansion and it seems like everyone have fallen asleep.

I decided to climb the roof, lay down, and stare at the stars.

Inei: Tanjiro, Nezuko, I hope you two are safe.

Inei: I promise, I will find you two.

Inei: I promised Tanjuro-san, that if ever happens to him and to Kie-san, I will take care all of you.

Inei: I failed to protect Kie-san and the rest of your younger brothers and sisters.......

I gently clutched my chest with my right hand.

The Butterfly and the Shadow (Shinobu x OC) Where stories live. Discover now