Chapter 5-- They are Coming. (cleaned)

Start from the beginning

We reached the bottom of the underground stairs and Luna took out a key and unlocked the metal door. Once we entered we were greeted by two huge hulking men. Like I-could-kill-you-with-just-a-stare huge. They were quite intimidating for my small size. They unlocked a huge steel gate and let us pass, bowing their heads at Luna.

We continued walking down cream halls for the next few minutes winding in and out of corridors. The way that there were men and women scattered with different weapons meant they didn't want anyone down here even considering getting out before they were released. We finally reached a solid steel door and it was opened by one of the guards outside of it.

Once we entered, it was scattered with cages, big, thick steel cages that surrounded the walls. Standing on either side of the door we just entered were two more men. A strong looking woman came up to us, bowed her head, then led us to the centre cell which held one man sitting against the far right corner. The woman bowed her head again and went back to the desk near the door.

''Brian'' Luna said with authority dripping through every word.

He looked up at her, then to me, then to my neck where he saw the marks and snickered.

''You're alive?'' He said nonchalantly but you could hear the disappointment in his tone and it made my face scrunch up.

''Yes he is. Now, why did you try and kill him.'' Luna growled but tried to fight herself to keep calm.

''He's rogue. Why not?''

''He's my brother!'' She yelled clearly losing her calm and attracting the attention of the guards.

''Oh my mymy.Your brother?'' He grinned playfully which made me shiver before he continued.

''Maybe I should have just kept him and had my way with him.''

Luna's growl was echoing through the room and one of the male guards came and escorted us back to the female who led us here.

''Have him transported. Immediately.'' She shot before the woman bowed her head and went to the cordless gun metal grey phone that was resting on top of piles of paperwork.

''Transported?'' I turned to Luna.

''Yeah, to the council.'' She softened her face and lowered herself to hug me and whisper her apologies before we walked out of the underground jail.

We walked back to the house in silence, occasionally sharing glances but no words. By the time we had finished all this days...happenings...and reached the house, it was dark. 

She finally broke the silence but changed the topic from Brian thankfully.

''So hun, what are your interests now that you’re older?'' She smiled as she took a seat on the white sofa of her living room.

''Uhm....I never really thought about it, but I just like being outside.''

''You’re a wolf, that's not a surprise but what's something YOU really enjoy. Not just your wolf instincts.''

''I've only ever been interested in finding you, my sister.'' I said softly.

Shock, hurt then sympathy flashed through her eyes before we heard the door open. Leon and Jayce walked through it and came towards us both carrying their heavy and authoritive auras.

''I need to speak to you Luna, please.'' Leon asked before Luna jumped up, gave me an apologetic look and followed him to a room down the hall.

Once they were gone I decided this was the perfect time for me to thank Jayce for saving my life as he so evidently did.

''Uhm...'' He turned to look at me so I stood and continued.

''I never got a chance to thank you for saving my life. So, thank you.''

He shifted a little before softening his face and talking.

''You don't have to worry about thanking me. It's my job as Beta to protect the pack members, especially the Alpha family.''

The room fell into an awkward silence until Jayce spoke again.

''Would you like me to apply that?'' He motioned to the jar of salve in my hands that Marry Ann had previously given to me.

I had completely forgotten about that. I nodded and followed him back to the couch where we sat next to each other, both of us slightly facing inwards to be able to see each other clearly so he could apply the salve.

Jayce took the jar from my hands and slowly undid the lid. It looked like honey and I'm not a big fan of that. Yuck. Is it a sticky liquid or a gooey solid? It’s just gooey and sticky and sickly sweet. Kind of like a nice old lady that scares the crap out of you because she has forty three cats and a bag that looks like Marry Poppins threw it down a chimney and let the chimney sweeps destroy with it before throwing it out where the old lady found it.

Using one of his hands, Jayce tilted my chin up and to the side, while he used the other to grab and spread the salve onto my neck which caused me to flinch back extremely quickly.

It was cold. Super cold.

''Sorry. Does it hurt?'' He pulled his hand back a little and looked in my eyes.

''N-no.Its just cold.'' I whispered looking down, kind of embarrassed that I flinched just from it being cold.

He continued to rub the sticky salve into my bruises. His warm hands were mixing with the cold making my neck tingle at the feeling of a warmth filled cold. I shivered at the sensation and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes to the feeling of hot air against my face. Jayce was so close. He was now cupping my face and an inch away from me with his eyelids half closed and his eyes darkening. I could feel my eyes fluttering closed again as he moved closer and my breathing got deeper.

''Hey Aiden can I talk to you?''

The voice made me snap my eyes open and jump up. I ran out of the room knocking Evan out of the way and ran straight for the forest. Straight for the place I knew best. A place far, far away from whatever that was.

I ran and ran until I couldn't run anymore.

I looked around and saw I was by a quiet flowing stream. By now it was black outside, the only light coming from the moon and stars which reflected in the water in their usual patterns.

I sat on a fallen log by the stream and placed my head in my hands with my elbows on my knees.

''What was that!?'' I yelled to myself scrunching my hands in my hair.

I felt a pull towards Jayce but I didn't know what it was! What’s wrong with me!?

''They're coming Aiden.'' I heard a whisper.

I shot my head up and saw an older girl standing a few meters away, one arm wrapped around a tree.

''What? Who're you? Who's coming?'' I asked dumbfounded.

Who the heck is this chick and why the hell is she wearing THAT!? It looks like peasant or slave clothes like what Princess Leia wore when she was with Jabba the Hut! I understand if we were in Star Wars but last I checked, this was in the middle of a freezing cold forest in the middle of winter!

''They're coming! You’re not safe!'' She pleaded.

What was wrong with this girl?

I started to stand and she paled.

''It's too late. They've got your scent. I'm so sorry.''

She then turned and ran into the darkness completely disappearing from all my senses.

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