21. happy new year

Start from the beginning

The second person the message is about, Kai. Aurora is confused and lost with how she feels about him, and she's even more confused with how he feels about her. And it definitely doesn't help that Kai hasn't been seen since she got back, and she can't talk to anyone about it if she doesn't know where she stands herself. She hates that she's still holding onto Kai, that he'll give her what she's looking for.

Kai's different. He isn't like Tyler, or Enzo, or anyone she's talked too before. He doesn't have feelings, it's like a vampire with no humanity, except Kai isn't a vampire and he didn't turn his humanity off. Though, if that ever did happen, hell would rise. She's heard of siphon witches becoming vampires, thanks to a loophole in nature, they don't lose their witch side like most witches would.

The strength of a vampire and a witch, something that shouldn't even exist. Aurora doesn't want to know what would happen there if Kai, or even herself became one.

The third message is about someone Aurora isn't really friends with, but is friendly with, who ironically enough is the brother to someone she despises, Kayden Fell. Whenever she was with him, which wasn't very often, too afraid she'd spill the big supernatural secret to him, and the likes of Damon would have to 'kill him before he kills him' which Aurora knew Kayden wouldn't do.

Kayden wasn't anything like his sister, he was kind, caring, compassionate, he never spoke ill of anyone, he was just the best. His sister, Kimberley Fell, was the complete opposite, Aurora offended wondered as a child and even now if they were even related, maybe Kayden was adopted, or switched at birth or something.

Kimberley fits all the Fell family 'traits' whereas Kayden just doesn't. Whenever Aurora was with him, she felt all her problems slowly drift away, she told Kayden about some things that were going on, like when her sister first became a vampire, and was working with Katherine, unwillingly of course, Aurora simply told him that Caroline was being distant and acting off.

Kayden gave her great advice, he suggested try talking to her and see what's up, he assured her it was probably nothing, and all in her head, and that Caroline would love her no matter what. It's what Aurora loved about spending time with Kayden, whenever her world was falling apart, she felt like she could go to Kayden, and she could get a break, even if it was just for 10 minutes.

The 4th message is also about Enzo, she didn't expect to fall for him the way she did. At first she thought he was quite arrogant and full of himself, a lot like what she first thought of Damon, and partially still does at times, but that's just Damon. Overtime with Enzo, she discovered he wasn't like that, at least with her, just her. He was soft spoken, touching, he knew everything about Aurora, he made effort for her.

Then the 5th one. The one she wishes she hadn't written. Cursing herself for thinking like that. It's about Tyler. During her time with Tyler all those years ago, they had many memories; happy, sad, emotional, angry, their relationship wasn't the strongest thinking back to it. But that doesn't mean she doesn't cherish the time she spent with Tyler. No. It's the little moments she thinks about.

Like, the little things you'd think were meaningless and stupid, but Aurora wasn't like many, she was taught to cherish those types of things, and to think of them whenever she's down or losing control. They're the moments that can make her ground herself, remember that she's the one in control of her life and the situation she could be in.

"Hey" Caroline spoke up, knocking on her sisters door, smiling, Aurora looked up and returned the smile, "Hey" she replied. Caroline crossed her arms and leaned against the doorway, "So, this party. You're coming, right?" she asks hesitatingly, Aurora smiles falters slightly, which Caroline noticed, "You don't have too, totally cool if you don't, and I'm sure everyone will understand if you don't show up. If you don't wanna go, I won't go either and we can stay here and watch Harry Potter, or Twilight, or something like we did as kids" Caroline rambled on.

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