xxxii: merry birthday

Start from the beginning

Blake is at the door.

I practically run to open it, and definitely jump into his arms.

"Merry Christmas, darling." He laughs.

The past month has been the best time of my life. He's shown me the world in a new light, one where happiness isn't a second thought.

A life of love. True, pure love.

"Merry Christmas, Blake."

He's asking me for help now. When I walk toward his jeep, I see a bazillion gifts. "Oh my god, why do you have so many gifts!"

"Because it's Christmas?" He raises a brow.

That smart ass.

I help him carry in all the boxes, and Jake and Emerson are clearly really excited.

Mom thanks Blake for bringing gifts, but I'm suspicious. A lot of those boxes said my name on it.

"Andrea, open yours first." He says.

She tears away the wrapping paper, and then gasps in shock at her gift. "Oh my god! Thank you, Blake, but this must've been really expensive. I cant take this."

"You can and you will. I think everyone deserves coffee." He retorts.

Mom hugs him, and now I'm excited to see what he got me.

"Emerson, Jake."

They're like animals when they open their gifts. Jake gets so excited when he sees all the board games Blake got him, and Emerson actually screams when he sees the baseball thing he got.

Couldn't tell you what it was.

"Is this the new one? Holy moly, thank you so much Blake!" They both jump on him when they see the gift card for a 'lifetime supply' of donuts.

Like they need the sugar.

"You guys deserve it." He smiles at them.

My heart races every time I see him with my brothers. He's amazing with kids.

I wonder what he'd be like with ours...

"Can I open mine now?" I bounce my knees.

Blake laughs. "Your gifts...well, there's a lot of them. I just want to explain."

I motion my hand for him to go on.

"Dahlia, when Emerson told me you've given up your birthday and Christmas gifts...I wanted to cry for you.

"And it's not anybody's fault, you did what you could with the cards you were dealt, but I want to make up for everything you missed out on."

He pulls a card out of his jacket, handing it to me. I'm already on the edge of my seat.

Merry Christmas my love. I'm so incredibly happy I get to spend this time with you, and I'm even more happy I'm able to do this. You missed out on 10 years worth of gifts, so I've gotten you 20. 10 for Christmas, and 10 for your birthday. You deserve more than anything money can buy, but I'm hoping this is a start to a lifetime worth of working to deserve you.

Tears well in my eyes. There's no way he could do that, right? There's no way anyone would do something like that for me.

But leave it to Blake Austin. I think he's already worked hard enough to deserve anyone. I'm just me, Dahlia.

"Blake, I don't believe you did that." I say, my voice cracking with tears.

"What did he do!" Jake shouts.

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