The REAL End

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Percy Jackson has updated his status- What's up guys?


Leo Valdez: yo!!!

Jason Grace: Just chilling.

Pipes McLean: look, I changed my name

Jason Grace: that's cool

Leo Valdez: I'm feeling a bit peckish.

Annabeth Chase: Wow, Leo's using big words!! It's a miracle.

Frank Zhang: you know what, me too

Hazel Levesque: You just ate Frank...

Percy Jackson: me too, I'm in the mood for some blue food

Annabeth Chase: This is honestly one of the more normal conversations we've ever had on here.

Annabeth Chase: On Facebook

Pipes McLean: you're right...

Travis Stoll: Connor Stoll- hahahahaha (my accounts broken)

Percy Jackson: ITS DINNER TYME!!


Annabeth Chase: And the normality of the conversation has been terminated.

Chiron has updated his status- I hate to inform all of the campers, but threats on our camp have increased due to the fact that all of you have been 'hanging out' on this social media called Facebook. As I know, you have handled these threats very well. The only part of this that I cannot handle anymore is the fact that campers are starting skip out on classes and not playing attention to anything, but their electronic devices. Our camp worked better when all of the devices were here. We're supposed to be better than humans- stronger, faster, smarter- and now here we are doing the same exact bad habits that they have. Leo Valdez, I will herby advise you to terminate the mobile devices that you have handed out. (And by advise, I mean to do as I say.)

Leo Valdez: NO!!!! MY PRECIOUS!!!!!!

Jason Grace: that's actually a pretty good idea

Percy Jackson: What about all of the new features that help us communicate with Camp Jupiter?

Chiron: Of course we'll keep those. I just don't like the handheld devices. They cause more problems than they solve.

Annabeth Chase: That makes sense. We're on it.

Chiron: Thank you, Annabeth.

Leo Valdez: But...................

Chiron: Leonardo Valdez. I'll let you know that not only are you not the director of this camp, but that you are also still on probation.

Leo Valdez: ugh.... Still?!?!?!

Hera: I stood up for you. If you keep up this attitude than you will be on probation that much longer. I don't care if you are on of the seven. I don't care that you got Calypso to be your girlfriend. You are still just a demigod and I control your fate. Learn your place.

Hermes: Oooh, snap!

Travis Stoll: Connor Stoll- Crackle POP!

Jason Grace had updated his status- This is probably for the best. We train new campers. I know that I have work to do.

Leo Valdez: The Facebook shutdown will happen in exactly 10 hours. There's a lot of data to go through.

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