Chapter 6

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Alex's Point of View

I sighed frustratedly glancing at him

Why is he going to Miami without any of his fans knowing?

My phone vibrated and I got a text

From: Sarah
"A sweet old lady is sitting next to me. Why? What's wrong?"

I was about to reply when a flight attendant came

"Sir, you have to shut off your phone. It's interfering with the plane's radio"

I groaned and shut off my phone

She left and I got up to the rest room

Maybe I can text Sarah what's going on.
End of POV

Austin's Point of View

I woke up from a dream about Becky.

I've been dreaming about her a lot lately.

They say that if a person appears in your dreams, they miss you.

But Im sure she doesn't miss me.

She's probably over me by now and has a boyfriend.

The thought of that made a tear fall from my eye

I quickly wiped it away and looked next to me.

No one there.

I checked the time and saw that I only slept for 10 minutes.


I got up to use the restroom.

Walking there, someone bumped into me causing both of us to fall

"Watch where you're going next time!" I said loudly

Looking up, my eyes widen.


I haven't seen him in months.


"Hi Austin."

We helped eachother up  

"What are you doing going to Miami?" I asked

He got tensed

"Uhh.. I'd ask the same thing. What are you doing going to Miami without telling your fans?"

He's dodging my question

"My managers said that me and my mom should move there to work on my own music. Im going to make a keek when I get there so that they know. And you?"

He smiled at me and I smiled back

I miss the crew

"Me and the crew are going on a vacation there. Since Becky isn't her-"

I flinched at her name.

He noticed and stopped talking.

Then walked away.

Probably still mad at what I did.

"Alex, wait let's talk."

I followed him and was surprised that he took the seat next to me

"What are you doing?"

He sighed

"This is where I sit"

A smile appeared

Maybe we can be friends again.

And we started talking

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