Spellcasting and Formulae

Start from the beginning

Niki thanked him once again, leaving with a wave and smile.

Tommy exhaled loudly, shutting the door and rubbing at his eyes.

He went upstairs to continue making the potion, but the colour was now a crystal blue.

He raised an eyebrow.

He grabbed a ladle, pouring the substance into a glass vial.

He looked to the right, seeing one potion of blindness was left.

He groaned.

He didn't want to taste the disgusting taste of whatever was mixed to create it, but for Clementine he'll do it.

He opened the glass doors of the closet it was stored in, popping open the cork.

"To a successful potion." He muttered, drinking the black, inky substance.

In a second his vision was immediately cluttered with black clouds, and he was inable to see.

He waved his hand around and touched a large, warm object.

He was guessing this was the cauldron.

He waved his other hand again and managed to find the ladle.

He scooped up the liquid inside the cauldron, drinking it.

He wasn't able to see.

For a few seconds.

Immediately, his vision returned.

Tommy's eyes brightened with happiness.

He quickly wrote down the recipe, then pouring the liquid into multiple glass bottles.

He walked out, and knocked on Clem's room.

"Come in!" A voice chirped from the other side.

Tommy opened the door to see Clem's room near empty, two suitcases present.

"Tommy! I've got my stuff ready for tomorrow." Clementine spoke.

Tommy smiled, exhaling softly.

"Clem, I think I want to show you something."

Clem raised a slightly annoyed eyebrow.

"You know I'm blind, right?"

Tommy chuckled, walking towards Clem and handing her the bottle.

"Drink this and we'll see."

Clem hesitantly drank the bottle, leaving a few droplets behind.

She blinked her eyes a few times.

She then looked down towards the glass bottle and her hands.

"What am I seeing? Wait... I can see?" She muttered.

She looked up to the blonde which was assumed to be Tommy, tears building up im her eyes.

"I can SEE! Tommy! I can see! This is amazing!" She yelled, running up to the blonde and hugging him.

He simply chuckled, patting the little girl's head.

"I made some potions that allow you to see. I don't know if it's permanent, so there are many spares."

"Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you th-"

"It's alright, Clem. Just happy to help. I'll try and help you in reading, aswell, since you may not know what the numbers and alphabet look like."

Clem simply began thanking him again, Tommy chuckling at the scene.

Bringing people happiness bring another a smile.

It's quite a warm gesture.


Clem was asleep, most likely to leave in 7 hours.

Tommy prepared some food and left it on the table for Clementine when she was to wake, which was one hour away.

It was 8:50, and Tommy decided to head there a bit early, taking the fae's words seriously.

He slung on his usual blue cardigan and headed out, towards the location of the ginger patch and the faerie ring.

There, was the fae, Wil, as it asked him to call it.

The fae had seen the witch approach.

"There you are. You came early." The fae smiled, raising an eyebrow.

"I'd rather have a life that isn't cursed." Tommy sighed, scratching at the back of his neck.

Wil pouted.

"But curses are so fun! It's enchanting to see people suffer." It stated, almost glowing at the idea of others suffering.

Tommy deadpanned, beginning to sit on the ground as the fae followed movement.

Wil hummed, "Honestly I didn't expect that you would actually come."

Tommy huffed, "A witch always keeps their word."

The fae cackled.

"That's rich! Last I met a witch they were unfriendly and deceiving."

Tommy raised an eyebrow.

There was a moment of silence, only to be broken by Wil sighing.

"Right, Right. I described myself, you're correct."

Tommy's face softened, a light smile present.

Will hummed.

The witch was warming up to it.

"Say, what's it like in the village? Did you get caught?"

Tommy exhaled softly.

"They drove me out about 3 years ago. I was only 14."

Tommy swore he could have seen a flash of somber in the fae's face.

"Ah." It simply responded.

There was an awkward moment of silence yet again.

Tommy was uncomfortable with awkward atmospheres.

Then, his face brightened.

The fae, Wil, was confused.

"Say, do you like flowers?" Tommy practically chirped.

The fae was slightly astonished.


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