Remus laughed. "It's alright, I don't like surprises,"

Liv slapped her palm against her forehead, hard. "No, God! Why am I so stupid!"

Remus ripped apart the wrapping of each of present one by one, each being a book he'd never read. "They're lovely, thank you,"

"Really?" Liv beamed, happy at the response from her present.

"Really," Remus said. "I'm afraid your present won't arrive until for another three weeks, it hasn't.... arrived yet,"

"I'm excited!" Liv squealed, pulling out the tub that was behind her. "I also have cookies! I made them with Harry last night! Did I tell you about last night? We had so much fun, I mean it wasn't quite the same as being at home, but it was nice with Harry. But then he tried to kiss me –"

"He what?" Remus nearly yelled in an alarmed tone, the smile fading from his face.

"It's not a big deal, please don't make it a big deal," Liv groaned, wondering why she even bought it up in the first place.

"It's a big deal to me!" Remus replied.

"Everything i do is a big deal to you," Liv said with a roll of her eyes, pulling out the present Harry gave her from the inside of her pocket. "He got me this present, i hope it's not a marriage proposal,"

She teared the corner of the present, Remus watching carefully in front of her, gasping when the inside was finally revealed. "He got me the earring i wanted,"

Liv opened the box quickly, pulling out the little, silver butterfly earring they'd seen in a shop during a trip to Hogsmede – wondering how on Earth he'd even remembered that she liked them.

"It seems like someone's got a little crush on you," Remus said with a grin. Liv began to cringe.

"Weren't you just mad at him kissing me?" She said, annoyed.

"Oh, yeah," Remus nodded, forcing his smile to disappear. "I'm still mad about that,"

"You're so annoying," Liv mumbled leaning on his side. Though, Remus made a noise as if he was in pain – to which Liv immediately sat up in shock.

"Full moons tomorrow," Remus explained. "I'm a bit stiff,"

"The day after Christmas?" Liv frowned, insidThat sucks,"

"No more than every other month,"

Just when Liv had began to feel sleepy being snuggled up in a warm bed, a light door-knocking echo sounded through the room.

"Go get the door?" Remus groaned to Liv, who pulled a sad face, batting her eyelashes dolefully before dragging herself out of bed and skipping to the door.

As she pulled it open the view was blocked by a mass of death black robes, and when she looked up, she was shocked to see Snape's sour face was staring down at her.

"I'm not interrupting anything, am i?" He mumbled, his face expressionless.

"Actually, Professor, you are," Liv said with a smile, begging to close the door on him. "You should come back later,"

"Liv," Remus half-yelled, walking up behind her and pulling her away from the door by the arm. "Please excuse her, Severus, she doesn't understand the concept of manners,"

"That's usually a result of bad parenting," Snape said, his eyes staring past Remus to glare right at Liv. She grinned, and stuck up her middle finger at him. His eye twitched.

"I'm sure you know all about parenting, so i'll take your word for it," Remus continued to smile. "Is that my potion?"

"Sure is, Lupin," Snape replied, passing over the smoking goblet. "Drink it while it's still warm,"

Good Girl Gone Bad  [LIV BLACK]Where stories live. Discover now