Epilogue - Christmas in June

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Dr. Atwood sat patiently at her desk, typing up the last couple of paragraphs to her previous patient's summary. Snow fell lightly against the window outside as December weather blew through New York City. The doctor hummed a quiet tune to herself as she hit the save button and checked the clock. She had a little bit of time until her next appointment started. She picked up her folder and got up from her chair, proceeding into the hallway toward the break room. As she walked, she could hear quick footsteps behind her. She turned to see Dr. Harlow approaching her in a jog. He smiled at her.

"Afternoon, Roxanne," He greeted. "What is it...six more days until the Bahamas trip?"

Dr. Atwood chuckled, shaking her head. "I guess so, yeah. Why do you care?"

Harlow shrugged. "Just trying to make conversation," He furrowed his brow. "If I may ask...what is the appeal of staying in a tropical country over Christmas?"

Dr. Atwood scoffed. "It's gonna be twelve below here on Christmas Day," She raised an eyebrow at him. "What do you think the appeal is?"

"I mean, sure," Harlow replied. "But...there's no snow or anything like that in the Bahamas. It's gonna be like celebrating Christmas in the middle of June."

"I'm fine without the cold," Dr. Atwood stated, pushing the break room door open. "And the snow. And the ice. And just...winter as a whole."

"Suit yourself," Dr. Harlow chuckled. "I'd better go, I have a rib fracture case in Room 24 I have to get to, and I'm one nurse short."

Dr. Atwood started to say something, then stopped herself. "Wait...one nurse short...?"

"Yeah...you didn't hear?" Harlow responded. "One of my RNs quit a while back, and my best one at that. I'm trying to get a replacement as quickly as possible, but...I fear no one's gonna be as good as August."

Dr. Atwood gasped. "...August...? That young kid? I thought...they loved it here...?"

"Yep. That's what we all thought. But...they quit on the spot a couple weeks ago, after an ambulance call," Dr. Harlow's disposition seemed more melancholy now. "I...still don't know why. They wouldn't tell me."

"Oh..." Dr. Atwood mumbled softly. She looked at Dr. Harlow sympathetically. "Well, I...I wish you luck...with everything..."

Dr. Harlow nodded, looking down at the floor. "Yeah...um, have fun on your vacation."

Dr. Atwood half-smiled. "...Thanks, Dorian."

She watched as her colleague continued down the hall toward his next patient. She sighed to herself as she turned and entered the break room. It was completely empty, as was the coffee machine. Dr. Atwood poured a decent serving of coffee grounds into the machine and got out her folder as she waited for it to finish brewing.

Let's see...who was my next client? I can't seem to remember...

She opened up the folder and flipped to today's date in her itinerary, her gaze falling on the next appointment slot. She reread the information to herself.

...Oh. That's right, it was the double booking.

Dr. Atwood was...honestly nervous. A returning patient, plus a new one, both in the same appointment. It would normally be against protocol, but...this was a special case. A really special case, based on what she had heard. It made her shiver just thinking about what could happen, but she knew that they both needed her help, and she wasn't about to stand on the sidelines.

The coffee machine beeped on the counter adjacent to her. Her cup was ready and filled with steaming hot coffee. She glanced up at the break room clock; it was nearly 4:30. She quickly poured a single serving of creamer and a packet of sugar into the cup and rushed back to her office.

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