Chapter 15: (KCE ARC)

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"Alright now, maggots!" The purple-haired proctor yelled, getting all of the participants' attention. I looked down at her from my seat in the giant indoor dojo, looking over all of the examinees. Then, I swelled with joy and relief. All of my Genin were there. They were safe! Not a single one of them had an injury, and they all seemed well rested, which was a stark contrast to the entire Konoha Rookie 9. "Hokage-sama is going to explain the third exam to you. You better listen carefully!" Anko was her name. She spun around to deeply nod to Hiruzen. "Alright, Lord Hokage, they're all yours." The Hokage stepped forwards, a cordial smile resting upon his old face.

I wonder if she'd still respect him so much if she knew that he let Orochimaru go without any struggle after the snake killed off his ANBU bodyguards. I certainly don't.

He began speaking, but I knew that all he was saying was rubbish anyway and tuned him out. 

Friendly relations, blah, blah...

Blah........ blah....

Shigetsu picked at her ear with her pinky, looking just about as enthralled as I did. 

A new proctor - Gecko, or something - with sickly pale skin and dark eyebags finally stepped up. He had disheveled brown hair peeking out of a blue bandanna, a Konoha symbol sewed on it with a metal plate, and a green Chunin vest. He was tokubetsu Jounin in rank.

And he was dating some purple-haired ANBU, I think. They both were the closest things to Kenjutsu masters in Konoha, but that's about as much as I knew about them.

"Alright, then, we will now begin the preliminary round," the man said dryly, leaning to the side a bit. He looked like even the slightest breeze would cause him to fly off. But at the same time, he was of the rank of where he could go toe-to-toe with me and win if I didn't use Isobu's chakra... "This round will consist of one-on-one individual combat at full battle intensity. This is not an exercise. There are twenty-four of you, so that means there will be twelve matches. The surviving candidates of those twelve matches will advance to the third exam. As for the rules... there are none." His eyes swept over the line of Genin tiredly. 

"The names of each pair are chosen completely at random. Before the match, these names will appear on the screen behind me. As there is nothing more to say, let's begin," the Jounin declared lazily. "In a moment, the names of the first two opponents will appear."

Uchiha Sasuke v.s. Akadō Yoroi

The Yoroi guy was even older that Kabuto, by the way he looked. The most I remembered about him was that he was Kabuto's teammate and he sapped up chakra through contact. He was one of Orochimaru's... there was no way that this test was random if this matchup was the same.

He was ultimate test against an exhausted Sasuke, who just got a cursed mark.

I wonder... what would happen if I took a look at the cursed mark? Could I figure out a solution, temporary or otherwise? Or was I going to be completely in the dark about it?

I probably wouldn't be allowed to get close to the last Uchiha, let alone tamper with a seal, with the way I've been monitored lately.

"Alright, those whose names have been drawn, please step forward."

Ah, I forgot. Kabuto wasn't going to withdraw because he was found out as a spy. 

I'm surprised Team 7 was able to make their way to the tower without his 'help'. 

I watched the ensuing fight without interest, watching it end up in a brawl where Yoroi sapped up chakra from Sasuke before being beaten by the kid with plot armor. 

TsunamiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang