getting a job

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                              Addilyns Pov

It's been a month since me and Heaven have been together. On the other hand things have been rough. Mom hasn't been paying the bills on time and im afraid we'll be kicked out on the streets.

"Mom, I could look for a job and pay the bills." I offered, but she just shook her head.

"I can't let you do that honey. I'd feel so guilty. Let me handle this"

But she's been saying that for as long as I could remember. I'm getting a job. I can't let my mom down and have her lose everything. She was all I had.

Looking for a job was much harder than expected, but eventually I found one. It was a restaurant and the pay was good. Hopefully I could make enough money in time to pay rent.

I asked my boss to make me work long hours so I could get paid more. I'm only doing this for my mom.

Coming home late was a struggle. Most of my shifts were night shifts and I hated waking her up. Most of her time she's sleeping or awake cleaning around the house.

Making things harder for my mom is the last thing I wanted. Seeing my mom heartbroken made me upset and I wanted to do anything possible to put a smile on her face.

I got home late one night. I turned the light on and saw her in the chair, looking like she'd been waiting for me.

"Why do you keep coming home so late?" She asked, tiredly.

Shit. I forgot to tell her I was working a job.

"I got a job, mama" I said kneeling down beside her. She didn't dare to look at me.

"A job? What did I tell you about working at a place?" She got up and stared down at me. I got up.

"I'm doing this for you, mama" my voice now softer. She just shook her head.

"I'd feel guilty knowing my own daughter is now working countless night shifts. Honey, I'm not mad. I just want you to not worry about paying off the bills"

I felt like crying. Making my mom happy is something I've wanted to do. It may sound ridiculous but I'm also old enough to have a job. I'd have to get one sooner or later.

"It's okay, mama. Really. I don't mind at all"

"I wouldn't ever stop doing what you want to do. You know that" she paused for a second. "But on the other hand at your age I was out partying and hanging out with friends. Why don't you do the same!"

I lowered my head and shrugged. "I think I'll head to bed. Goodnight, mama" I hugged my mom tight and walked to my room. Hopefully it will all come in place and everything will be perfect.

                              Heavens pov

Addilyn hasn't returned any of my calls or texts. I hope she's okay. Sometimes I worry about her and having a new job. There's so many crazy sick people out there.

After school I decided to go to her house. Her mom Brea opened the door and I smiled.

"Hi! Is Addilyn home?" I ask.

"No, she's at work. Can I take a message?"

Brea looked out of it. Eyes heavy, hair a mess and some stained clothes. I felt so bad that I even wanted to offer her and Addilyn to stay at my place, but my house was too small for two extra people.

"No, it's fine. I just wanted to make sure she was okay. She hasn't been returning my calls or texts."

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude but who are you?"

I felt nervous. I couldn't exactly just blurt out her daughter was my girlfriend not knowing how her reaction would be so I simply lied.

"I'm just a close friend of hers from school. Thank you for your time, ma'am."

Brea closed the door and I just felt the whole world around me feel dark and heavy. I paid Addilyn a visit at her job. I needed to see her.

"Addilyn?" I called out her name.

It was afternoon and I went to the counters to make sure if I could see her. Nothing.

"Addilyn you here?"

Just then she came out the bathroom with a mop. I rushed over to her and hugged her.

"Why haven't you been returning my texts or calls?" I cried.

"I'm sorry. My boss is strict about having phones out during work. I shouldn't told you."

I placed my hand on her face. "It's okay. You know I worry about you."

Addilyn placed a kiss on my cheek.

"I need to get back to work. We can hang out later?" Addilyn asked.

"Of course. I'll be waiting." I pulled her in for a hug and walked out. I hope she isn't drawing away from me and something happens between us.

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