Hug me

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Scarlett offered us drinks and pizza. Her friends, our teachers, were already quite drunk. Cobie was here, Gwyneth and Robert too. Tessa arrived a few minutes after us. She turned up the music and started to dance. Gwyneth and Robert followed. Robert dancing was honestly one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Scarlett and I watched him dance before laughing so hard that my stomach started to hurt, tears escaping my eyes.

"What's so funny?" Robert asks, seeing our faces.

"You look like a gorilla trying to catch bananas!" I hardly say as I can barely breathe.

Everyone agreed and laugh. The party kept going even though we all had class the following day. I looked at my phone, hoping to see a notification. Nothing.

"Are you okay?" Scarlett asks, sadness probably painting my face.

I was about to answer when I heard someone knocking at the door. As Scarlett wasn't sober at all I decide to go open, who knows, this might be important. As I opened the door, her green eyes, filled with tears, pierced through my soul. I felt her pain just in that look. I closed the door behind me, leaving us alone in the hall. I didn't know if I was allowed to do that but I carefully wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer, holding her as tightly as I possibly could. She rested her head on my shoulder, leaning against my neck. 

I could feel her shaking breathe, sending shivers through my whole body. My hands moved to the back of her neck, one staying there and the other caressing her head, playing with her hair in an attempt to calm her down. Considering I had a few drinks, I didn't really think about what I was doing when I dropped a soft comforting kiss on her forehead but she didn't say anything.

We went to my apartment, I sent Flo a message so that she wouldn't worry. I made hot chocolate, turned on the TV and helped Elizabeth sit on the couch. "We don't have to talk about it" I start "but if you need to, I'm here, I'm here for you". She started to cry again, taking a sip of her beverage between sobs.

"He left me" she states out of nowhere.

"What do you mean?" I ask, concerned about what might have happened.

"He told me he was crazy about someone, and that someone wasn't me. He didn't cheat. He just told me he didn't love me anymore the way he used to. I knew we weren't working lately but I thought eventually it would get better, I was wrong" she explains, getting calmer as she speaks.

"I'm sorry for you, love" I say, not even realizing I gave her a nickname. Was I allowed to give her a nickname?

"I'm quite sad but... but not really. In fact I get it. I get how this feels like and I'm happy we sorted things out before someone cheated or something" she says, not letting her eyes leave mine.

"Why "someone"?" I asked, intrigued.

"I met someone, and I don't quite understand how I feel about them yet but... who knows. Robbie and I were great, the perfect little couple but I'm starting to think that's all we were." She said "them" not him, "them".

"You know, when you left earlier, Florence almost collapsed on the floor" I said laughing, trying to take her mind off that breakup.

"She's sweet, she shouldn't be ashamed though, she's hot too" She answered almost laughing.

"Have you ever seen Mr. Downey dance? It's the funniest thing ever. I swear he looks like a dying old man struggling to find air" maybe this one will make her laugh.

She laughed lightly. That laugh. My heart skipped a beat as her eyes met mine. "Yes I had the... pleasure? to see that. You know that day we met?" She asked. I nodded. How could I ever forget how perfect she looked? "Well, shortly after you left, your sister and her friends made quite an entrance. Robert started to dance and I honestly think this was the best part of the night!" she looked at me, noticing the disappointment. 

Emerald love, Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now