Coffee and tears

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"So how about we go to the coffee shop at the end of the street?" Miss Olsen asked.

"I'm... I'm sorry I can't I have... I can't do that" I apologized and left, I felt tears forming in my eyes and literally ran away. I went back to my place, grabbed a pack of cigarettes and headed to the roof. No one ever came here, it was loud cause of the city noises but it was also so quiet. 

I discovered this place right after we moved in and I assumed it would be my comfort place. I spent the afternoon there, doing homework and smoking which I know is really bad but I only smoke when I have something important going on. And fighting with Florence was one of the worst thing that could happen to me. 

When night fell I walked back to my apartment. I got out of the staircase and saw Florence and Brie talking in the hall. I was about to walk toward them when it hit me. How didn't I see it before? It made perfect sense. Brie leaned in as Florence put her hands on her cheeks and kissed her. Florence and Brie. Again I felt my eyes watering. I ran downstairs to Scarlett's appartement. I knocked and as she didn't answer I bursted in, crying.

"Scarlett I'm sorry but I need to talk to you. I had the worst day ever, got in a fight with Flo, acted like a bitch to someone who seems so nice and then I discovered that-" I started explaining the situation.

"Erm... Y/n?" Scarlett called out my name, forcing me to look up at her.

This whole time I was looking at the floor because I dreadfully hated to make eyes contact while crying. I finally raised my head to see not only Scarlett but Miss Smulders, Miss Paltrow and Miss Olsen. What was she even doing here? 

"Great, and I thought it couldn't get worse" I mumbled. Cobie got up and placed comforting hands on my shoulders. At first I must admit things where kinda weird between us but we talked and eventually it all went back to normal.

Scarlett's point of view :

My sister bursted into my appartement while I was talking with my friends. She started to complain about her day and something Florence said to her. I didn't realize she was crying until she lifted her head to look at me. Y/n isn't the type of person who cries over silly things so I immediately got worried. Before I could do anything Cobie got up to comfort her.

"What happened sweetheart? You're okay?" Gwyneth asked my younger sister.

"Nothing I should go. I'm sorry I didn't mean to disturb-" Y/n tried to speak but Cobie cut her off.

"You're a terrible liar Y/n... Tell us what's going on, maybe we can help" Cobie gave her a warm smile.

"Does any of you know who Flo's dating?" Y/n asked which kind of surprised me as I had no idea Florence was seeing someone.

"Flo is dating someone?" I asked.

"She's not dating "someone", she's dating Brie! And this have been going on for months and she never told me. None of them told me. And then Flo acted like a bitch when she found out that I- she's judging me cause I was supposed to hang out with someone today and I didn't. Because she made me feel horrible about it" Y/n said and although I didn't quite understand everything, I could tell she was really disappointed. She had every right to be.

I didn't even know what to say. I mean Brie and Flo... I really didn't know about it and I was quite angry with the way Y/n found out... Lizzie got up, told us goodbye and left.

"Never mind we will talk about it later, amusez vous bien (have fun)" Y/n quickly said before leaving.

Y/n's point of view

Emerald love, Elizabeth OlsenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin