Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: A Sign of Life

Cameron made it back into the cart, seeing that the horses were still present, he grabbed the map on the bags. 'Village. Village.' He thought as he looked at the map, soon finding out where he was he saw that there was a small village nearby, making him rush towards it, hoping to find answers in how to help his friends out. 'Friends...' He thought as he remembered how his life was back outside of the Abyss. A lonely brunette who was unloved by most, envied by all, and left alone to grieve. He sighed as he ran faster, soon seeing a clearing, he slowed down, carefully peering to see no one.

Cameron began to look at the map, but was genuinely shocked to see that the village was present, lively as it seemed to take hold on its own. "Are you okay?" A voice asked, making him turn with shock, pointing a sword toward the person, but was shocked to see it was a man. He seemed older than Cameron as he had white hair and wrinkles. "I-Is there a village here?" Cameron asked, carefully putting his sword down, alert and stationed. "Oh, you must be from the Royal Heran Embassy? You wear no mere drapes like ours." The man stated as he gave a small bow.

"A-Ah, yes, but I got lost in the forest. Had there been report of my arrival yet?" Cameron asked, hoping to find out the reason of the Heran Embassy to visit the place. "You are to visit due to our report of missing people. May god forsake the demon that took them?" The man uttered with anger, making Cameron shiver slightly.

"Shall I enter town? Maybe I can find the cause?" Cameron asked, making the man glad as he bowed. "Of course, sire. Follow here." He answered, gesturing to the side as they moved along. Cameron entered the busy village. Observing that it seemed to look traditional. Something he'd find back in his homeland, Jhana, but much older looking. "We pardon the restriction, we had a small festival not too long ago." The man said as he moved him away from the building's construction area. "It's fine... I hadn't seen such a... pleasant place in a while." Cameron answered as he saw kids play near the fields, men working duly with chuckles, and women chatting as they had prepared food and beverages to those who built.

'It was as if they were in their own bubble.' Cameron thought as he saw innocent looks in their faces. As he started to walk pass the area, seeing a long flight of stairs to several homes. "That is home to our elder, Master Kami." He uttered, making Cameron look towards where the man pointed, but instead of seeing happiness near the home, the area surrounding it was filled with no life, dead bushes seemed to clamor it. Cameron felt an odd twinge in his stomach, making him grasp at his sword's handle, walking pass the man to the Master's home. "I-I shall greet the elder. Please go on for me later on." Cameron said as he gave a small smile to the man who had nodded as he cheerfully went towards the other path.

Cameron turned away, swallowing the lump in his throat, avoiding looking into others. 'Let's keep calm and natural. If I keep acting strange, they'll definitely get me figured out.' He thought as he walked near the entrance. He carefully knocked onto the sliding wooden door to receive no response. "I'm part of the Heran Embassy, I shall proceed to enter." He uttered, sliding the door open to see an empty home, only filled by the man across the room, looking out the window as he sat on a futon.

"Kami?" Cameron uttered, but the man remained still. However the moment he walked near him, he was shocked by the floor breaking apart to reveal several zombie like monsters, but they seemed too humane to be one. The man stood, turning towards him to reveal his crimson red eyes flutter, seemingly glaring at Cameron. "I have no word to you, child. You are a mere messenger. Now run along." His tone was strict and serious, but Cameron didn't fret and stood still. As the enemy attacked, he seemed to know how to lead it on. "Kami! I've come to discuss!" Cameron yelled as he matched the sword of the attacker. Not long, Cameron noticed a shivering trend among the humans he had killed or attacked. 'There all... Controlled!?' He thought as he stood back, exhausted from the onslaught of attacks he had managed to fight on.

Cameron saw Kami had seemingly summoned more than he'd need, making the fight disadvantageous for Cameron. 'Aim for me.' He remembered Wilhemina's words. 'The enemy will lose if their commander is gone. They may strive for vengeance, but they cannot win with just blood in their head.' Wilhemina said as she had stroke her spear near his head. Cameron gripped onto the sword tighter. "Forgive me." He uttered as he rushed stood in stance, nearing the sword to his eye level. As Cameron charged, he had sliced the man's chest, blood splattering everywhere as he felt his hand losing some of his strength. He looked to Kami, seeing his eyes lose the tint of red. But something equally frightening awaited him as Kami's body had released a transparent figure.

'What is that thing?!' Cameron thought as he stepped back while those who were controlled by Kami had felt fear as they ran off. Cameron defended himself as he tried to escape, but he seemingly froze in place as the figure had rose towards him, looking at him with empty eyes. "So... you're the one that killed me..." His voice uttered with no remorse for the man. "But this man was useless anyway." The mysterious figure uttered as he gently lifted his hand, seemingly chocking the man from after as Kami's body struggled. "S-Stop!" Cameron uttered as he tried to come close, but before he could a flash of light had appeared and before he knew it the mysterious figure was gone. Seeing the situation, he rushed out of the window upon realizing that he may be caught as the wrong party. 'I d-did it.' He thought as he rushed off looking at his wrist, the spell completely gone.

Cameron rushed back to the temple, his pulse was rapid with worry if he had successfully did his work. Upon arriving, he turned to the entrance to see Sylvanna and Annalisa present, seemingly waiting for Wilhemina and Pearlette to return from searching the temple. "Oh? Little pet has returned." Sylvanna said with a monotonous voice as she gave him a calm smile.

Cameron rushed towards them, running towards Annalisa, engulfing her in a hug. Annalisa was a bit shocked as her eyes widen at the intimacy he had shown. She was about to ask him to let go, but his hug grew tighter as he started to quiver. 'Fear... of losing more.' Annalisa thought as she sighed, lifted her hand, patting his back. "You seem well, I presume." Annalise uttered as he had hugged her tighter, ignoring the snarky remark she had said. "How adorable, it's just like how a little dog greets its owner." Wilhemina teased as she lifted her hand, patting Cameron's head as he loosen his hug on Annalisa. Pearlette gave him a smile as she shook her head, walking off to the path back to their carriage. "It's too dark now, let's get home." Pearlette uttered as the two finally let go.

As the four started to walk back, Cameron looked at his hands, feeling ashamed to have killed someone, but was genuinely shocked when a hand grabbed his own. He followed it up to see Sylvanna, her innocent features completely showing concern for him. "Mistress has told us to go home. Come on, Little pet." She uttered as she tugged him towards the rest, who looked at him with a smile, making him feel warmth...

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