shots n tattoos: ziam pov

Start from the beginning

"ME" zayn yelled "bloody fucking me! yet nothing can be about me cause no one fucking listens or cares! so i'm here making it about me! and you can't tell me that this is solely about you because quite frankly it's got nothing to do with you. yet here you are trying to make it about you. this whole situation had never been about you. what happened back at harry's had nothing to do with you. you're so fucking blind to every single thing i do! you never once stop and take in what i say or my actions. you never got the hint then or now! that's why you will never fucking get it!" zayn finally stopped himself.

"what-" liam got cut off by zayns lips on is. yet liam didn't freeze he accepted it and kissed back. as he was about to his hands on zayn's waist, zayn pulled away shaking his head, tears in his eyes and before liam could get in one word zayn ran off.

liam stood there in awe.

what the fuck he thought.

his mind was racing, he's not sure what made zayn blow up and most of all he isn't sure why he kissed zayn back. if his head wasn't spinning it sure was now. the scattered and broken thoughts in his brain made the world spin in circles around him.

he decided to make his way back over to louis', hoping for answers but who else would have the answers to his questions but zayn?

the snow was falling even more. streets dimly lit by broken streetlights. occasional lonely cars passing by. some parties he passed were either dead or dying down. the smell of weed filling the air passing a few stoners outside.

liam's never felt more confused.

his brain started racking for clues as to when zayn started acting like this. his mind went to the first moment he could think of.

a day they both agreed to never speak of again.

year seven:

liam watched as zayn and louis lit their cigarettes behind the school's building. the two had started smoking mid summer. making it around three months since liam's tried them too. he was still wary of smoking cigarettes, not sure how to feel but louis and zayn didn't force him into anything.

"who fought you mate?" zayn spoke, leaning against a tree. liam's eyes wandered to louis' noticing the black eye "lottie kicked a football at me head" he laughed "mum was not impressed"

the bell rang, indicating the end of lunch "you skipping with us?" zayn asked, liam still looking at louis who was finishing up his smoke "nah, me mum'll kill me if she found out i wasn't in class"

"alright mate, we'll be over after school anyways" zayn said, liam just waved as they walked off. they walked away from the school in silence, heading down to the groups spot —the lake— . zayn threw his finished smoke to the floor pulling out another.

after the fifteen minutes walk down to the lake, they say down on the rock. zayn worked his way through four cigarettes, liam taking a few puffs every so often.

it was mid october, leaves floating in the lake, some still falling around them. zayn opened up his school bag pulling out a smaller plastic bag with joints in it. liam smiled taking a joint out of zayn's hand letting the black haired boy light it for him.

liam laid back on the rock, passing the joint back to zayn "so james really came out eh?" zayn spoke, laying back as well "it was long awaited" liam replied.

they kept passing the joint back and forth "how do you think he figured it out?" zayn asked, turning his head over to liam. he just shrugged taking another hit of the joint "experimenting?"

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