Familiars and Witchcraft

Start from the beginning

He took Clementine as his apprentice, and taught her multiple figments of magic and potion-making.

She was quite a quick learner, despite her sight.

Currently, Tommy was working on a spell that eradicates blindness effects, and he had been hoping this would allow Clementine to finally see.

However it did the complete opposite of what it did, and blinded people temporarily.

And by 'temporarily', he meant 7 hours.

When he tested it on himself after using a blindness potion which works only 1 minute, he wasn't able to see shit after that minute.

For 7 hours.

Shroud had to guide him around the house.

She just made herself 10x more lovable as a familiar.

That, however, was yesterday.

He decided to rest after the incident, as it had completely used up all his energy.

Today Tommy decided to head out in the forest to collect some certain herbs with magical properties, as it is usually in forests that are either enchanted or inhabited by the enchanted.

An example are the fae, and there most likely were some.

Tommy never bothered to ward his home from fae, as he believed it might anger them.

There were multiple types of fae, each of them bound to a specific kind despite all of them hungering for human names.

Tommy never placed down salt, and if any were to spill it was to be cleaned immediately.

He had rosemary growing, sure, but it was hidden in the forest, not too far from his cottage in a single patch.

To get there it would take a 7 minute walk.

He didn't take any precautions of protection from fae folk, as he did not want to be disturbed by an angered fae.

However, the fae near the stream was inable to reach him, as fae are unable to leave their faerie ring.

But it depends on the type of fae, really.

Yet that didn't mean the fae couldn't curse him if he had angered it.

He sighed, rubbing at his temples.

He had to be so wary at such an age, it practically tired him.

Shroud chittered, curling on the lap of Tommy, who currently was drinking some herbal tea.

He didn't drink herbal tea unless he was stressed, and that was usually an often occurrence.

Tommy's head turned towards Shroud, curled up in a ball and embracing the witch's warmth.

He huffed, lightly smiling as he stroke the albino raccoon's fur.

"Honestly, I'm really lucky to have you. You understand me best." He sighed.

"But then again, you are my familiar."

Shroud purred at the light pets and compliments she was receiving.

Tommy smiled even more, his eyes softened as he relaxed.

"Say Shroud, since Clementine won't be up for another two hours, what would you think of walking through the forest?" He hummed, tilting his head slightly as he waited for an answer.

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