chapter 54

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Madi on the other hand begins fighting and attacking duhassan and the brothers who had joined her, with her against 5 of them. She then questions the sabha why they all are silent? and that didn't she consider most elders as her parent figure? would they also silently watch their daughter like this ? those guilty bowed down while the evil laughed and said she was characterless and deserves no respect for she doesn't now how to behave infront of men. She doesn't behave like a lady and has no respect as she stayed with 5 unknown men when she was unmarried.

with this more of the kaurava brotehr joined the fight overpowering ira and soon defeated her, she could no longer stand in front of them, her anger was rising but her body was slowly giving up.

Karn had arrived right at that moment, seeing ira in that condition and the pandavas , duryodhan , vikarna and yuyutsu struggling to get free, he was super angry but had to control himself as ira was important. Gandhari and devika who had rushed to the hall as soon as they heard all that happened saw madi's condition, with devika explaining all that she saw as they rushed to ira who was slowly closing her eyes.

Karn who saw devika by ira's side got up and his anger knew no bound the condition of Ira pierced his heart and he was subconsiously in anger releasing heat from his body and gave the wind a push, this had caused harsh winds that blew all around, with this the karuava's all fell down and all royals were stripped off their crowns and jewellery not due to only karn's anger but also vayu dev who was angry and knew that none of them deserve the kshatriya post.

Yudhi finally got free and helped his brothers who all rushed to ira, while ira struggled to stay awake she held yudhis hand and said I am proud of you, cause no matter what you were not manipulated and stayed true to your dharma, I am glad you did not disappoint me. She was speaking with great difficulty but the brother all were still in immense pain and she then noticed around and knew karn should be stopped so she called him to her. It was like magic that her voice immediately calmed karn who rushed by her side and scooped her in his arms.

The rest wondered what happened but he rushed out with devika, arjun , nakul and sahadeva following him, duryodhan and yudhi bheem with the other two (vikarn and yuyutsu) stayed back to deal with the aftermath where they asked the king for justice which was ignored and gandhari too saw how her husband was actually blind and greedy for throne.

Shakuni who knew that ira was very dear to all of them suggested on one more round as a means of freedom and if they loose they need to go for a 12 year vanvas and 1 year of agastyavas along with their wifes. Yudi agreed to it without playing and promised when they return they shall seek revenge and get their right as all that occurred that today will be settled then. duryodhan then spoke up and promised that they all shall pay for their deed, even those who are silent today shall all face the consequences of their deed and no of them deserve any mercy .

Bheem who was super angry promised to be the reason of duhassanas' death and get justice for ira for how she was treated today and duryodhan to told his father that what happened was not right and he shall be sure hastinapur royal will all be served what they deserve for their despicable act as he promised their it showed everyone their love for Ira and with that they are leaving when gandhari asked them to take her with them as she no longer wishes to be queen or kul vadhu of the kuruvansh as they derserve a fate worse than death.

All stop her including dridhashtra but she says she will use her shiv bhakti energy from her blindfold and burn all of them if anyone will try to stop her and with that the five to left for adirath and radha's home where they knew karn would have taken ira. Going there they saw nakul and sahadev working extra fast to save ira who was unconscious with the blood loss.

They rest were all silently weeping and so was radha who saw her daughter in such pain, adirath too was no less and they then knew it was time they break free from this kingdom since it has not only hurt their family but also committed a sin and such a place deserves to be destroyed.

That night no one blinked an eye scared to loose ira while the news had travel across aryavat and not only the close family but all those who had met ira at least once apart from the kaurava's shakuni and dridharshtra all prayed for her well being. Krishna to came there and helped console everyone apart from one who only ira could manage now.

The night passed and next day evening is when ira opened her eyes, she called for karn as the first person she wanted to see and hugged him tight not caring of her injuries. Karn who was happy she gained counsious calmed her and try release her grasp as it would hurt her but stopped as he read her face that wanted him.most of those around seeing ira up were relieved and left the room, while nakul gave karn a paste to apply on the wounds and left. What shocked karn was how her strength was coming back as he could feel her voice stonger when she asked him to take her to gurupita and gurumata.

He tried control her and said she is weak and needs rest and can go once she is well, All others were also denying but she said she can manage and karn will not let anything happen to her. Krishna to agreed and asked them to leave, while as she left she asked radha and adirath to go to indraspath and they shall talk once they return and that its time they fulfill the promise they gave her as she needs them to leave hastinapur.

All the rest headed out for indraspath and had been gathering their thoughts as well, yudhi however was in extreme guilt and hurt that he was the reason for ira's condition and that event though he was a warrior he failed to protect her and was tied up as he watched in silence, all the other brothers were also guilt that they were tied up and help less and they felt extreme anger towards duhassan and the entire hastinapur. Krishna did console them saying they have striked a deal to complete their agastyavas and need to prepare for that.

The wives of the prince all said they will accompany them and they are all proud cause the true sense of dharma was followed by their husbands and this 13 yrs are a small penance that they want to be a part of as this shall help them support justice for ira who was as close to them as the brothers. They thanked their wife respectively and all prepared to leave for vanvas, their children were to go with krishna to dwarka and all knew that was all for the best.


heyyyyyy as promised am back with another chapter.

hope you enjoyed reading it

and once again a Merry Christmas to all of you :)

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