chapter 39

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Madi feeling his love once again was sure that the hate she brought into her life regarding shakuni does not have a place there, karn's love is what belong in her life and so she once again strengthened her self, lifting her mood she could see karn to was affected and so she helped him realise shakuni was not worth of neither their thoughts, anger nor their time.

With both calm and anger free they returned to the palace where by a soldier greeted them at the door saying Ira was called to the court by the king. Karn who frowned hearing this wondered why and as they reached the court both karn and Ira could see that pandavas and duryodhan have fear in their eyes.

Kunti to was worried and so wondered why the court was called and ira being summoned. Seeing gandhar raj's smirk she knew he once again planned something. And seeing ira and karn come in she saw a peaceful Ira and so was relieved slightly by the same.

As the arrival was announced, the king ordered for Ira to be captured and said that her trial will take place today in the court for raising her hand at a royal and insulting a kingand she will be whipped 50 times as a ppunishment.Yudhishter iterrupted saying maharj you can't do that, and duryodhan to joined saying pitashree madi is at no fault you can't whip her like that. Seeing the two agree on one thing shocked the courtiers but madi knew she had got them to bond and understand each other enabling them to cut off their differences.

Ira just laughed at this, bheesma , dronacharya , vidur and all others wondered why she was laughing and bheeshma asked why she was laughing to which madi replied i thought trials were supposed to be fair and a person summoned is not guilty until proven but here you already announced that I insulted the king of gandhar.with out even a chance for me to explain my self, what kind of justice is that and if this is the case I guess before giving out punishment the royals need to go learn true kshatriya dharm."

Bheesma once again looked at madi with admiration how she was so close to being whipped but not an ounce of fear in her eyes he thought maybe she has gon through this before and wondered where and why. He then spoke, "I had already let the place so I don't know what happened but I know someone who never lies, yudhishter tell everyone what had happened that madi had to treathen shakuni."

With this yudishter had narrated the events and vidur and bheeshma too got angry at that the rest of the brother who heard this again were controlling their anger. Shakuni could now see how he underestimated everyones bond, he could see that he made a mistake but quickly changed it to again blame madi saying she is not supposed to learn weapons and all.

Getting the opportunity the king announce her to be whipped ten times as punishment but before that could happen karn interrupted saying if any one even lays a hand on her hastinapur shall face the army of Visala" and kunti added that dwarka's narayani sena will also be at the gates if madi is injured even slightly, draupadi who had been silent till know said not only Visala and dwarka but also panchals sena will be with them for disrespecting someone who is like their daughter "

With all these dialogues shakuni knew he will be doomed so he said there is no need for any war let her apologise and all will be forgiven. And as usual the king agreed, duhassan to shouted at madi to apologise. Madi who heard his words saw hate and lust behind it and knew if she apologised all the impact she had made will be futile.

So madi just joined her hands and said " oh king I have done no wrong in protecting my honour and so will seek no apology and if someone needs to apologise everyone know who it should be so forgive me but I shall not bend. The king now felt insulted so said " soldiers capture this foolish girl who thinks she can defy the king and walk about."

Duryodhan interupted saying anyone reaching her will have to go through him and he will protect her even if it means giving his life, the pandavas too said " not only him but her five other brothers too will protect her." Dhritarashtra got more annoyed and ordered duryodhan to back of but duryodhan completely refused.

Seeing the disobedience , and unable to control his anger, Dhritarashtra announce " you are not my son, for a foolish stranger you disobeyed your father so from today onwards I disown you, every one was shocked at this announcement. Gandhari to but her mind was clouded with her brothers and husbands insult .

Kunti who was more shocked composed her self and spoke up, since you have decided this maharaj, I too make an anounce ment that today onwards I have seven children, and duryodhan too will be known as a kaunteya rather than gandhari nandan, and just like you disowned him, I fully heartedly acknowledge him, so putra do you accept me as your mother."

With duryodhan nodding his head bheem who was closest pulled him in a hug and the lightens the mood saying finally I too have my own twin now I don't need you Nakul, duryodhan will come with me for a midnight snack, madi who was also observing and seeing how her presence changed so many things joins in and says don't worry nakul bheem will come for you only since duribhai is married. The all smile at that, bhanu who heard this blushed and so did duryodhan.

Soon with all the shocks bheeshma says there is no outcome for madis case and so we shall get back to it later, and the court is adjourned today. The youngsters ( pandavas, duryodhan, yuyutsu vikarn , karn ira bhanumati and draupadi ) all head to a common room while and spend some time together, duryodhan was happy on the outside but sad on the inside and out of everyone ira had noticed the sadness behind his smile.

She took him and told him to let out all his emotion and they all saw how he was broken by his parents disowning him. Ira had helped him out and this time they were all truly happy. Duryodhan also commented that eventhough she is younger she is like an elder sister or mother figur to them, madi smiles saying karn is elder to you all, and me being his lover and soon to be wife also makes me elder in relation so im just fulfilling my duty.

They rest blink twice and confirm she did say that she is karn's lover, draupadi then asked when they will get married and madi says, this is our courtship period and we will get married when mata and pitashree agree to this. Kunti who just came heard this and said but karn doesn't know your parent while madi says, mata the first step in a relationship is trust and I trust radheya and so have shared the secret with him. All smiled and retired for the day, knowing the next day will be long with krishna coming.


hey guys hope you are all doing well, 

so what do you think about this chapter and what will happen next?

will try update soon, and i take your leave now until, next time.


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