chapter 34

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Ira continues and tell how they know each other "It was about fifteen year back I had gone out to explore the forests with my horse and tumbled upon karn who was practicing archery, we had become friends at first meet then he took me hope and radhama and baba who accepted me as their daughter as well, I stayed with them for a week and we made so many memories, I had told them my name is ira and never got the opportunity to tell them my whole name and about my other nicknames."

Facing karn once again Ira says "So karn I may know all your names and so its only fair you know mine so my name is madirakshi, well this is the name by my birth parents, and the nicknames as I met new family members, akshi, madi, adira and Ira. There is another identity that need to remain a secret for now so that you will know at the right time."

Bhishma was curious at karn being called as Virendra and so he interupts now asking " Putri, why did you call angraj as virendra? and also why did you ask for a duel, you know he is a great warrior right? Also what secret identity are you talking about?"

Madi replies " I know he is a great warrior but when we were kids I used to pratice with him while I was here and I told him to promise me if we ever meet when we are elders we shall have a duel so I am asking him to do that and don't worry I too am well trained. While for my identity now is not the right time, and about karn being virendra it is true, he is not only the king of Anga but also Samrat virendra who rules Visala."

Karn Looks at bhishma and says "she is right mahamahim, as guru dakshina, gurudev has asked me for four things one become samrat , and 2 to keep my identity a secret and being samrat of Visala I had opted for a new name for this to be possible. The third one was to come here and not share my identity with anyone since he wanted me to break the norms of only upper class having access to education and learning weapons. I haven't completed the fourth one. And about revealing I had promised Ira to never lie and I am not the one revealing it so I haven't broken the gurudakshina."

Everyone present is shocked at the revelations, the pandavas and duryodhan are happy and soon the rest to become normal. Bhanumati came to call all of them for lunch and that's when Madi meets her and hugs her saying I have wanted to meet the person who resides in duri bhai's heart , and looks like she is really special. All smile at her remarks.

Ashwathama pops in and says and we too have wanted to see the one in karn's heart, turns out she does read him like an open book just like he had said. And she definitely is special. Bhanumati is happy as well meeting Ira and hopes as well as silently prays that karn and ira are united soon.

They all head for their meal and complete their daily duties. Karn had gone to see his parent while the rest. Ashwathama, duryodhan, and the pandavas, and draupadi wanted to spend time with madi wanting to ask so many questions, since they know karn loves madi and want to know if she too loves him. So they had assembled together, nakul sat beside ira and place his head on her lap with sahadev following the same on her other lap. Ashwathama and duryodhan looked at the scene and saw how Madi just like a mother patted nakul and sahadev.

They smiled and then madi as if reading the silence asked them to speak freely. Ashwathama was more close to karn and knew he needed to ask for karn so he directly asks " do you love mitra karn as much as he does? Why weren't you with him all these years and why didn't you come to see him?". While smiling madi thinks how both karn and Ira had known eachothers feeling the rest were still confused.

She replies " what I feel for karn can't be describe in words, when I met him for the first time we had built a deep connection that when time came for me to leave I was left crying, but I couldn't stay back, my parents had passed away at the age of 3 and those who took care of me after loved me too much and I didn't have the courage at that time to keep them away from their hope to live."

They all were keenly listening" While the place I came from lets say it was imposibble to make travels to this place again and so even being apart I had karn in my mind I never forgot him, every night I would reminisce our time together and eventually fell in love with him. With him I even faced the death of my foster parents strongly, and with hope of meeting him I continued with my life."

Madi who was in tears felt nakul wiping them of she smiled and continued, " all my prayers led to hime everytime and you can say I lived through emotional hell and fought my death to get here, I hope that has answered the fear you have about your friend heart break ashwa bhai." They all too were in tears specially the pandavas who had seen her struggle to wake up when they first found her.

Arjun asks " akshi you fighting death was true since it was next to impossible for you to survive when we found you but what do you mean by emotional hell? You know we can't see our sister in pain, is there anyone who has troubled you , just mention the name and we shall have him beheaded for you."

Madi smiles and says " I know you all love me dearly , but don't worry cause if needed this sister of your will herself take the life out of the one who commits atrocious sins.

And about my life before with the death of my parents, I was all alone so all my education, earning to sustain my self, learning the world and its tactics to survive, understanding right and wrong was all I was doing from the past 10 years. And in this karn's memories were my constant support, and my hope and will to meet him is what brought me to the pandavas and now to karn."

Duryodhan came closer and knelt before her and said " I didn't ever doubt your intention as your eyes spoke love, but hearing about your love I truly feel you both belong together. I am really happy that you both will soon be together."

Madi blushes at this and finally seeing the opportunity nakul starts teasing her "is that the reason you wanted to come with us? And also why you got extra eager to hear what the brahmans had to say about angraj?"A completely red madi threatens to tease them all when they fall in love and runs off from there.

The rest too follow her out and they all reach the main gate where karn just entered and madi ends up bumping into him, he securely holds her and they have a eyelock which would have lasted longer, but our kabab mein haddi brothers wouldn't let it. 😊

The elder too had come out hearing the noise and kunti seeing karn and Ira together asks what happened as a way of teasing them, with both of them blushing madi choses a escape with excuse that she is hungry and runs of to the kitchen taking bheem and duryodhan with her.

The rest laugh at that while looking at this friendly scene shakuni who hadn't known what happened but seeing duryodhan and bheem really closer and comfortable with each other, he plans to do something that will destroy the bonding that is created. Madi who was running out notices shakuni staring at the people she left behind and she promises what ever will come will face her before any of them.

Soon all dispersed and karn to left for his house, he did want to meet Ira before going but knowing the rest will all tease him he decided against it. On the other side Madi could see from his eye that he wanted to be with her and she made up a plan to meet him.


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