"Lee, watch out!" I yelled.

We were coming up to a red light. Lee slammed on the brakes, but with all the snow and ice on the road, there was no chance that we were stopping. Lee tried to swerve into the right lane and go around it, but we didn't make it in time. The car slammed into the big semi-truck in front of us.

I felt like I had all of the wind knocked out of me and everything went black for a second. I tried to fight through the shock and got myself unbuckled. I opened the door and leaned on the car for support as I tried to balance in my high-heeled boots. It was snowing so hard. I could barely see.

I yanked the back door open and saw my three kids crying, Lukas being the loudest. The entire left side of the car was pressed up against the back of the truck, and that's where Lukas and Lee were sitting. The glass was broken and there were cuts all over his face.

"It's okay guys. Mommy's going to get help!" I said.

I ran back to the front of the car and grabbed my purse off the floor. My shaky hands fumbled through it and found my phone. I dialed 9-1-1 and looked over at Lee, who was laying with his head on the steering wheel.

"Nine-one-one, what is your emergency?" said a lady over the phone.

"I need someone to send a bunch of ambulances! We got in an accident with our three kids in the car! My boyfriend isn't moving and my son has cuts all over him!" I said, my voice shaking as I started bawling.

"Okay. I have your location. How old are your kids?"

"They just turned two. They're triplets."

"Alright. I'm getting three ambulances out to you right now. What's your name?"

"Harper Collinsworth."

"Harper, is your boyfriend breathing?"

"Uh..." I looked over at Lee. I could see his chest rising and falling. "Yes. He is. But he's bleeding because the glass is broken and he's laying with his head on the steering wheel."

"Okay Harper, don't touch or move him. Just leave him because you could injure him more. Tell me what's going on with the kids. How are they doing?"

"Mommy! Mommy!" Ella yelled.

I ran around to the back of the car. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the truck driver trudging through the snow.

"What's wrong Ella? Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Zozo fell asleep!" she said.

I looked over and saw Zophia with her head hanging in her little pink car seat. I gasped and reached over Ella, trying to tap her.

"Zozo! Zophia! Wake up!" I said. I put the phone closer to my ear. "My daughter is passed out. What do I do? Do I take her out or the car?"

"No no no, Harper. Leave all the kids where they are. The ambulance will be there soon. Just make sure she's still breathing and has a pulse."

I reached over and picked up Zophia's hand. I took off her purple mitten so I could feel her pulse. I felt the little beat-beat motion between my fingers as I watched her chest rise and fall.

"Yeah. She's still got a pulse. And she's breathing."

"That's good. You're doing a great job, Harper. Just stay with me until the ambulance arrives."

"Yeah. I hear sirens."

"Are you doing okay? Any pain anywhere?"

"I'm a little dizzy but I think I'm just shaken up."

I saw the lights coming through the snow. All three ambulances pulled up at once, sirens blaring.

"It sounds like they're there," said the lady on the phone. "You're in good hands. Take care."

"Thanks for your help. Bye," I said.

I saw the paramedics coming through the snow with a bunch of stretchers. All I could do was hope that my kids were okay. I just felt so...dizzy.

My legs gave out and I fell into the snow. The paramedics got me up and into the ambulance. I felt super embarrassed because I threw up all over one of their shirts. My head was suddenly pounding.

"Hey, I just so you know, I'm pregnant," I said.

"How far along?" asked one of the paramedics.

"I don't know. My first ultrasound is coming up."

"We'll be sure to check in on it. Don't worry," he said.

I started to panic when I got to the hospital. I didn't know where my kids were. I didn't know where Lee was. I didn't know who was okay and who wasn't. Everything was a blur. I was getting all kinds of wires and machines put on me. An ultrasound tech lifted my sweater and started staring at the monitor. Her eyes were wide. Her face went pale.

"Did I...lose the baby in the accident?" I asked, my voice weak.

"No, not quite," she said.

She moved that wand around and around and around, like she was searching. My head was still killing me, so I was squinting from the bright lights. But even squinting, I could still see her lips moving. She was counting to herself. One...two...three...four...five...

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