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Breakfast the next morning was interrupted by Natalya. She told the group that they all needed to go with her and they did. They trusted. They followed.

They all sat in her extremely bougie car which fit the entire team and Alex comfortably. Natalya was wearing a black blazer and black slacks with no blouse visible and her signature black stilettos. It was undeniable- she was a perfect image of power and beauty. She sat next to Alexi who had been showing her pictures of him and Spence on the day he proposed and she was wearing a gleaming, pearly white, perfect smile which took up a perfect amount of her face and showcased her beautiful plump lips which she had painted red that morning.

"Natalya, don't you think that outfit is a little revealing to wear to a business event? I mean I'm assuming that is where you are taking us because you have basically kidnapped us" Aaron's small and whiny voice popped up from somewhere in the car- Natalya didn't even took at him

"Agent Hotchner I'm sure if I wanted your opinion on the way I handle business I would explicitly ask but, luckily for you, I don't need a man to tell me how to run my business- which has been successful for years" Natalya stated while admiring her nails

"It is tradition that the heads of the mafia go and scout new talent at the mafia academy, it's my first year. I have been given the first pick of people i would like to see in my team." Natalya said while putting her hand on Alex's arm which had stiffened along with his body at the mention of the mafia academy, Emily had the same reaction.

The team pulled up and Natalya rolled her shoulders, allowing them to crack as she got out of the car and linked her arm with Alex- clutching to him like he was her only lifeline. They walked through the corridor until they got to a decorated door which looked old and rustic like a barn door.

They opened the door quietly to see a class which was in the middle of learning. However, the  teacher changed the subject after asking the class a few questions. "Do you want to see some of the pictures from the ball last night?" He asked the class quickly as he projected pictures he had taken of Natalya and the venue onto the whiteboard at the front of the room

"God, she's so hot" one of the boys stated brazenly as the whiteboard switched to a picture of Alex and Natalya dancing together with their bodies close "I would give anything to be Alexander in that picture, look at the way she looks at him- that is true adoration"

"Oh come on- that is the worst picture of me I have ever seen" Natalya said causing silence to fill the room as she leant agains the doorframe. "I'm sure this isn't your usual lesson however, what is it usually? Music?" The class was silent and had visions of awe on their faces as they looked at Natalya.

"It has always been music Natalya, though nobody is ever as brilliant as you" the teacher said walking towards her "it's great to see you again- doctor Moretti" Natalya could see the BAU look visibly confused at her title, they didn't even know she had a doctorate- how did this man who seemed like a stranger know all of this about her ? "Oh and Alexander it's even better to see you here, how are you?"

Alex just smiled- it didn't take a profiler to guess he was uncomfortable in the teachers presence. "Well Mr Aldridge, I was only going to stop by for a few minutes but I see that I'm not interrupting anything important" Natalya said with a soft smile

"I completely forgot you would be here today Natalya, if I had remembered I wouldn't have been allowing them to drool all over pictures of you"
The teacher said as thought he wanted to proclaim his "innocence"- though nobody anywhere near that academy had even heard the word for a long time.

"Oh don't be stupid, it's a shame I couldn't have invited them, they're allowed to live vicariously through photos" Natalya said while sitting "I'm actually surprised you're not showing them old videos of Alexander and I when we used to sing"

" I actually have more pictures if you want them" Mr Aldridge said happily as he opened another document on his computer. The first picture he showed was of Natalya getting out of her car and walking into the BAU.

"You've been watching me?" Natalya sighed as Mr Aldridge pulled up another picture, this one was of her and Aaron kissing- it was the night she went on the undercover date with Mr Wilcox, her body stiffened. He pulled up another of Aaron waiting outside of her door with a bag of food in his hand.

The next was the picture that broke her, she was walking into a restaurant holding Aaron's hand wearing an emerald green dress with her hair curled and tied with an emerald green ribbon- it was the night she killed Ian Doyle.

"Did you know after that he went to Miss Seaver's  house?" Mr Aldridge asked softly as Natalya's face began to burn. She didn't know that. Aaron was quick to look away from Natalya who was glaring at him from across the room

"I think it's time for us to go to the weapons room" Natalya broke the silence "don't follow me again" she said as a final warning before linking her arm with Alex and calling her driver to tell him to bring a separate car for her- she would never have been able to sit in such close proximity to him.

She slipped on her sunglasses and walked through the halls muttering under her breath loud enough so that only Alexi could hear. They finally made it to the weapons room where they interrupted the teacher again.

"There is only one person who has ever scored a perfect score and-" the teacher started before Natalya interrupted her "that would be Doctor Natalya Isabella Andromeda Angelica Moretti , and right behind her was Mr Alexander Bruno" Natalya said with a smile as both she and Alex took off their sunglasses at the same time "and Emily Prentiss did pretty damn well"

"Miss Moretti, it is lovely to meet you" the teacher said with a bow followed by the rest of the class who bowed quickly to Natalya. "Would you mind giving us a demonstration?"

"Oh absolutely, hand me a gun" Natalya said softly earning a nudge from Alex "are you sure you're in the right headspace to hold a gun? Can you be trusted to not turn and shoot Aaron" he whispered to her earning him a smile and a nod from Natalya

She aimed the gun at the target, breathed, then shot perfect shots to the heart and head before pausing and turning to the class and simply stating "and if you are shooting a man..." before she lowered the gun to where the target's dick would be before firing two perfect shots.

"The trick is to breathe, if you're not breathing you're going to become dizzy. Also, square off your hips so that you are grounded- it doesn't matter what footwear you are wearing as long as you ground yourself you will get a much better shot." Natalya offered to the class before turning to the teacher and asking for the throwing knives.

She threw perfect knives as well before turning to the class and telling them it was their turn.

Natalya stood and talked with Alex before she stopped her conversation and grabbed a throwing knife while it was in the air. "Who threw this?" She asked to a class who became dead silent "I'm genuinely asking because I'm nowhere near the target and if you were trying to hit me you were long off- do you need some assistance?" The class laughed before Natalya announced her departure.

Oh their way out, Natalya asked the woman on the desk at reception which car was Mr Aldridge's car. The receptionist took her to a blue convertible sports car. Natalya swiftly opened a lighter and threw it into the car in just the right spot before handing the receptionist a letter and walking away before the car exploded and set on fire. It was safe to say Mr Aldridge would be needing a lift home.

Natalya stepped into her car and the BAU got into the limousine before both driving back to Natalya's mansion. As they got there, Natalya gave Dave a bag of all of the supplies he would need to make pasta and told him that her chef was given the day off.

They all stood around her big kitchen island and watched Dave create his magic pizza "now I was forced into making this pasta tonight" he said with a laugh "but please if you try to recreate this dish and you feel it going wrong-"

"ORDER A PIZZA" Natalya, Sophia and Alex said before taking dishes of pasta and sitting at the dining room table

It was the happiest Dave had seen Natalya in a long time- though he knew she was slowly being eaten alive.

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