Wine and dine

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"So Natalya, how are the plans for the ball tomorrow coming along?" Sergio said from the other end of the table "are you inviting our American friends?"

"Well the plans are going good, I just got the confirmation for security" she said softly "but I'm almost certain the Americans wouldn't wish to attend, it's a mafia party after all"

"Well it's hardly a mafia party if they are giving out awards" Matteo interrupted "all of which you are sure to win darling"

"Okay I'm confused" Luke, the newest member of the team spoke "are you two dating? What's going on here"

"Well, we aren't dating" Natalya said, her tone laced with amusement "Matteo is supposed to be betrothed to another. Don't worry they aren't together just yet, I'm no homewrecker, Matteo is my second in command and we are very good friends who slept together once"

"I am only betrothed because of a deal made by your father. Nicholas arranged for me to be married and I will be faithful to her" Matteo said calmly "most mafia men don't stay faithful but I am no monster"

"So as much as I love to hear about my sister's sex life and the criticism of my father I really want to know if we are inviting the Americans to the ball" Sergio said with a tilt of his head

"We would love to come Natalya" Aaron said smugly "we can all go shopping tomorrow"

"Oh goodie!" Sergio mused from the end of the table "the dress code is black tie so please wear a black tie"

"Actually it's red tie" Natalya said in a small voice "everything is going to be red, everyone is wearing red"

"But red is simply so dull" Sergio rolled his eyes with a large sigh "black tie is so sophisticated"

Everyone left the conversation at that and they ate dinner practically in silence. The dinner went by quickly and everyone found their way to the library where they sat and drank and talked

"So have you guys had any interesting cases recently?" Natalya said trying to invoke conversation from the BAU agents

"Uh yeah, we had this one where the guy was a doll make and he was making people into dolls and making them perform" Kate said looking directly at Natalya "but we found a lot of the people alive which is good"

"And what about you Tal?" Spencer said with a warm tone "have you had any weird and whacky cases?"

"No we don't really get 'cases' as such" she said using air quotations "we did have this guy I got to 'interrogate' right before you got here though, he was a terrible man though"

"Hmm is that the same person who's blood was down the front of your blouse?" Aaron said with a scoff

"Yeah actually! How did you know?" She replied as he rolled his eyes "can you really blame me? He said women were powerless in the position a man should hold so I cut his fingers off and fed them to him!"

Her details caused silence to pour into the room.

"Oh god I was kidding" she laughed a few times after seeing the relieved faces in front of her "you should have seen the looks on your faces"

"You're not funny Moretti" Dave said from beside you with a stern tone "how could we ever tell if you're joking with your track record?"

"My track record!?" She raised her voice in amusement "have you even met your son? He's the most feared man in our mafia!"

"Hey!" The Italian's son said piping up from behind his glass of scotch with his matching Italian accent "why did I have to get brought into this ... mamma Mia! And it's not like you're not feared, you're nominated for every award tomorrow night"

"You're only missing two Matteo" Sergio said with a soft smile "it's just because you're jealous Natalya makes men kneel before her and you need to beg for power"

"Oh hey don't go attacking his pride now!" Natalya said with a giggle "for the record Matteo, I'm sure if you met the qualifications you would be running for all of those awards"

"You know what?" Matteo said before standing up "I'm gonna leave you and your American besties to get caught up"

"You wouldn't dare" Natalya managed to say right before the door slammed closed

"Well I'm going to go up to my room" Aaron said slyly "thank you for dinner Natalya, it was nice and thank you for the invite to your ball"

"Oh and I'm going to hit the hay too" Ashley said while she faked a yawn "jet lag you know?"

"Oh well Goodnight" Natalya said with a smile on her face "and please try to keep the noise down"

"Well that was rough" Emily said softly as she looked at Natalya's hurt face

"Yeah not as rough as the sex they're about to have" Natalya said feigning a small laugh "in my bed too ... poor Matilda"

"It's not your bed, it's the spare bed" Sergio said while rubbing a small circle into Natalya's back "and don't worry for Matilda, she has been loyal to this family for years it's unlikely she is going to quit because of two Americans having the most vanilla sex in the spare bedroom"

"I mean we could go back to the murdering him idea couldn't we? I liked it when we did that" Alex said with a small laugh

"Alexander Bruno, just when I thought you were going all soft on me" Natalya said with a soft smile "maybe we should bring you back to Italy more often"

"Or we could just go and listen to them" Alex said quietly receiving a cheer from Emily

"I knew there was a reason I liked her" Emily said, picking up her glass of red wine and linking her arm with Natalya's "come on girly, let's go listen to what you're not missing"

The four of them walked up the stairs leaving the others behind and waited outside of Aaron's door until they could hear a single sound. They were silent.

They soon heard the high pitched moans of Ashley Seaver and the disgusting sounds of skin slapping skin. A slew of "oh god"s and "faster"s came flying from the other side of the door until something unexpected was heard.

"Oh Natalya"

Natalya's hand instantly flew up to her mouth and the whole group turned to look at her.

"I think I'm going to throw up" she said softly before walking downstairs and disappearing into a large and heavy doorway.

He thought about her.

He moaned her name.

That has to mean something ... right?

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