Old friend

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Last night was still playing softly your brain as you went about your day.

Aaron's lips

Aaron's voice

Aaron's smell

It was all so intoxicating to you

You decided you would try to take your mind off of Aaron by going to get some coffee. You popped in your airpods, put on your heeled boots and decided to walk to the cafe down the street.

You went up to the barista who took your order politely with a smile. She was giving your body a long hard look though, her eyes stayed glued on your chest as she took your order. It was strange.

You sat in the corner and opened your bag taking out one of your favourite books, pride and prejudice, and began reading. The rest of the world seemed to melt away as you looked at the words on the page imagining them happening right in front of you.

"I could easily forgive his pride if he had not mortified mine" you heard a man's voice with a Italian accent say from in front of you.

"Alexander!" you breathed out slowly "you know pride and prejudice?" He just laughed at you before taking a seat opposite you

"Do I know pride and prejudice? Natalya, I know you! I didn't even need to read the book"

He was right, you had a problem for spoiling plot lines and rambling about books you loved. You met Alexander at a musical theatre camp years ago when you were younger, he was constantly playing your love interest so you were basically forced to be friends

"How have you been amore" (love) he said taking a sip of his Coffee

"I've been okay thank yo-" you were cut off by your phone ringing "sorry I have to ... hi Aaron" you said into the phone

"Hey love, I need you to come into the BAU for me"

"Oh I've actually got company at the moment"

"Anyone I should be worried about?"

"Oh come on, absolutely not"

"Well you can bring whoever it is with you if you would like"


"Yeah! I'll see you soon my love"

"See you soon!"

"Okay so that was my friend Aaron, do you want to stop by somewhere with me?"  You said to Alexander who swiftly nodded his head

"As long as we get time to catch up my dear" he said linking his arm in yours.

You arrived at the BAU after a short walk and a long talk with Alexi who was telling you about his time with the Russian ballet. Lucky bitch.

"Is that my favourite acting duo?" You heard Emily say as you walked in. She ran over to the two of you knocking Alexi off his feet

"Emily Prentiss! Who knew we would run into Each other again" he said laughing before looking over at you "Aiutami?" (Help me?)

"Oh absolutely not Alexi, she's happy for once in her life so let her be" you said before walking up to Aaron's office and knocking on his door

"Tal, thank you for coming" he said sweetly putting his hand on your bicep

"TAL?! NATALYA YOU HAD BETTER GET THIS OVER WITH SO WE CAN TALK ABOUT THAT HOT MAN IN THERE" you heard Alex shout making your face flood a crimson colour

"I'm sorry about hi-" Aaron cut you off

"There is no need to apologise to me Tal, I'm just happy you're here"

"Did you need me for something?"

"Yes, I want you to be a standby undercover agent for this team"

"Aaron I-"

"I've already spoken to your father, he says that as long as you still had time to do your workload you would be absolutely fine"

"Okay then absolutely I will do it"

"You will!"

"Of course, it means I get to spend more time with you"

"Great! now can I meet the Italian Emily is going crazy about downstairs?" Aaron laughed with you

"Of course Aaron"
You were going to work with the BAU. oh god! You're working with the BAU !!!!

This is so exciting!

You walked downstairs hand in hand with Aaron to see Alexander sat on Emily's desk cross legged chatting to her about ballet techniques.

"Alexi, I'm sure agent Prentiss has a lot of work to do" you said sternly giving him the 'watch out' eyes

"Natalya Moretti, I knew you were like a hotshot politician now but come on ... legal niceties with the Americans?" He said laughing at you.

"Natalya Moretti! Fancy seeing you here again!" Derek Morgan's voice cried from behind you. He just so happened to be holding a magazine with a picture of you on the front cover

"Derek Morgan! Pleasure to be back" you said giving him a side hug and ripping the magazine out of his hands "you know, the tabloids are shit at telling the truth" you said as you began to read the story written about you

You immediately picked up your phone and dialled your lawyer "Dimitri dear, why am I seeing my face all over an American tabloid with the word murderer?"

"Ma'am I'm having people sort is as we speak"

"Good, I hope for your sake this is taken care of quickly" you said putting your phone down.

"Dr. Reid, I'm so sorry I didn't see you there. How are you?" You said sweetly looking over at Spencer who was making eyes at Alex. You took the liberty of introducing them. "This is my friend Alexander Bruno, he works for the American ballet. Alexander, this is Dr.Spencer Reid, genius in just about everything and very book-smart, basically everything one could want in an American man. Have fun!" You said before walking back over to the rest of the group.

"If he's everything one could want in an American man why don't you date him?" Aaron said with a smirk

"Because dear, I have my very own American man and he is much more to my liking: bossy, handsome and older than me ... what else could I ask for"  you said sending him a wink

"Do y'all want to go for drinks?" Derek said putting an arm around you shoulder sending you a small wink

"Agent Morgan, you are a lovely man but I am telling you now I have a knife in between my thighs right now and I will not hesitate to slice all of your fingers off" you said smiling as he quickly ripped his arm off your shoulders allowing Aaron to put an arm around your waist

"How come he gets to touch you?" You heard Deked whine as the team and Alex walked out of the bullpen and into the elevator.

"Because he's a gentleman" you shouted back before placing a kiss onto Aaron's lips causing you both to stop in your tracks and deepen the kiss.

You caught Spencer walking up to you to say thank you before going hanging back to keep Alexi close by him.

You went home to change before you went to the club. You wore a tight silk baby blue dress that came down to your mid thigh. You paired it with a pair of silver sparkly heels and a silver clutch for you phone and keys.

As soon as you made it to the bar you got a feeling something was off you just couldn't quite understand what it was. You I saw Aaron and the feeling subsided but it was still there. It was strange

The team was sat at the table with Alex and that is when the fun began

"I wanna play truth or dare!!" Penelope said, clearly already drunk

"I'm okay with that" Emily said

"Yeah me too" said Spencer and Alex who were at this point pretty much enthralled with each other

"Okay, dr, Reid you can start" Penelope said sweetly

Here we go ....

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