Intro :)

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Hi so this is a new start to a new book obviously 🙄 lol but this is going to be a fiction hehehe i know right interesting am I right?



The events, place's, people names that might acure and be in the story might not be true !! Also this will contain inappropriate language and actions!!! It might even have other languages in the book that WILL be happening

this will be about a teenage girl, named Valerie that has been trying to find herself for a while now and had a good childhood but, until middle school came she lost some friends because they ended being fake in the beginning of middle school.

In middle school she went through bully and heartaches and got heartbroken with the first boy she dated. She knew she couldn't allow herself to open up to him because she knew what he was capable of...but she fell in love with his dreamy eyes and his manipulative lies. She never forgave herself for it which ended up letting her be so closed off to people. Which also changed her to be so cold hearted because of how closed off she is. Not only that but she lost her mother when she was 12 almost 13, she had died on a car crash according to her dad that has told her when he was also on the car crash with her and gladly survived the car crash.

Everyone is always trying to be there for her but, no matter how much people try to let her open up, she keeps shutting them down.

Luckily, she has a little brother that she grew up with and he protects her so much and it gets to the point that she gets annoyed by him but deep down she loves him.

She's going on her first day of high school now. This is where this one boy comes to her life and changes everything.

Let's see how much of a big change can a boy make happen to her life...

She was lost then found Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz