"Hi everyone." Sandra started as she stood in front, "And hi to my very beautiful wife." She added and gave Cate a smile, "I want to thank you all for coming and I just want to say a few things to my wife. I was thinking about telling her all this privately, but as I sat there," She pointed the abandoned seat beside her wife, "I realized that there are some things needed to be kept, and some things needed to be screamed at for the whole world to know - and this includes my love for Cate." She took a deep breath, took the images of everybody listening to her, "I want you to all know how much I love Cate Blanchett and to the press people who are here tonight, I want you to highlight this speech so everyone else will know how much my wife means to me." The brunette turned her head towards the blonde, eyes smiling and gleaming as if she had seen the most wonderful creature God had created, " Baby, lately life felt too thick. I thought that there would be no end to the agonies and tears. I have spoken too many times about grief and sadness. The madness was so deep I couldn't construct a ladder. I remember that at one point, I just wanted to give everything up." And with that, Sandra's tears started falling, but she smiled and chose to went on, "Losing you was something I couldn't bear. I remember just locking myself in my room and just skipping meals and eating the same dinner for a week, lighting candles and spooning ice cream and watching cars through frosted windows, still, I felt doomed. I have lost you far too many times, and just when I thought that it was over, you came back." Sandra smiled sweetly at the blonde who was crying on her seat too, "Baby, I remember that night, how we exited at a party to talk after almost two years of not seeing each other. I remember that midnight drive. Vividly remember when you pushed me down the pool, how I conned you by asking help and pulled you with me too. I remember us kissing and in that moment, I just knew that I would never be sober again. And I..."

The brunette smiled and was cut off when the blonde stood up and went to snake her arms through her waist. Everyone screamed giddily when Cate pulled her closer as she pressed a sweet kiss on her wife's forehead.

"I love you." The blonde whispered as if no one was watching.

Sandra laughed, "And for a long time, I never really believed in heaven, but the moment you kissed me by the pool, I swear I heard the heavens sigh." She placed an arm around the blonde's neck as she smiled, "I love you and I will never stop."

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Chanted by everyone.

With twinkle in their eyes, Cate slowly held Sandra's chin. The stars that wept over the tragedies that crushed their cigarette daydreams and lilac promises gradually smiled because finally, Cate and Sandra were kissing in front of the whole world, hands not tied with cuffs and were free. Sandra tilted her head as she slowly met the blonde's lips and with people watching - enchantment building as they watched the wives in front, Sandra and Cate kissed. When their lips met, the brittled bones in their bodies rebuilt itself and the forgotten dreams emerged. And they stood there kissing, burning and living in that most awaited moment. It was a kiss of a happily ever after, the kiss that sealed the long-hidden scars and the kiss that showed it would be them - Cate and Sandra - for eternity.


The world may end - buildings may collapse and may turn into ashes and dusts and people may die, but their love and loyalty to each other won't. Sandra and Cate have sewn tragedies together - out of their blood, tears and now, they were unstitching every thread, loosing every pull of secrets onto the bed because at last, the heart-wrenching chapters were done. The shadows of their well-kept secrets, the unrequited love, blood, the three glasses of tequila fitted like memories, and it clung like an emptiness worn well, but why would they bother when no one out of the two was alive to tell the murders? After all, fate had been so cruel to them both and they deserved a happy ending, don't they?

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