Chapter Thirty Five

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And for a moment, the howling of the wind gradually stopped; it was fading and fading like a dying music. The loud timbres of the waves diminished. And there was the blonde's heart again, hammering wildly against her chest, obviously wanting to get out of its ribcage. The dying wolf inside her woke up and it seemed like the whole world blacked out and that voice was the only light summoning her.

The blonde's hair flew. Her hair that was neatly framed in a bun detangled, escaping its fate. She grasped the sparkling jewelry in between her fingers and yes, it was real, so real that she couldn't believe it. So maddening, so raw and so dreamy. The stunned blonde held her breath, afraid that if she would not, everything will be crashed and be ruined. Cate stopped, and turned her head back, hoping to hear that voice again, and when she did, her tears escaped from her unknowingly.

"You're holding my necklace."

The puzzle that she almost completed flew, the pieces flowed along with the breeze of the night. Under the midnight starry skies, she was there; standing on the sand with tears coming out from her eyes, the necklace still on her hand. The waves crashed again - this time, the waves were more loud, more deafening. The wind howled hastily, messing with her hair with so much cruelty. The tears streamed freely down her cheeks, and she couldn't stop it.

"Hey, are you okay?"

The picture of the woman she wanted to see slowly faded like dusts in the wind. Her heart tricked her, and she badly hoped that it was Sandra, but sadly, it wasn't. Cate bent her head as she wiped her tears right away. She then walked towards the woman as the woman walked towards her too.

"Is this yours?" She asked, handing the silver neckace to the stranger in front of her.

"Yes. I was swimming here earlier and I lost it." The woman, probably in her mid-thirties answered as she smiled and got the necklace from the blonde, "How did you find it?"

"Oh, I just sat there." She chuckled awkwardly, "It went and kissed my toes."

A soft fleeting sound of a laughter escaped from the stranger's lips. Cate smiled at her when the woman mumbled her gratitude and in that moment, Cate knew how that necklace meant a lot to her. She then remembered the necklace that she gifted to Sandra and there, on the same sea where she found a stranger's necklace, was where Sandra trashed that necklace too. She watched as the woman walked back, gliding away like a goddamn ghost, and when she watched the disappearing figure, her phone rang. The blonde accepted the call, ready to hear her friends' voice asking her how was she and she was ready to tell them that she's okay, that she's fine and still hanging, but deep down, her body was already decomposing and her soul was lost, broken and away from home.

"I see you've called me a over a hundred times."

That voice sounded so raw, so gentle, so secretive and so true. She couldn't be mistaken. It sounded so real and she knew it was real. Her gloomy water escaped from her eyes again and she stood frozen, standing on the sand, her knees brittling at every second that passed. The moment was so fleeting, but she could still rewind the voice on the phone. She was to her an unforgotten lovesong; her voice warmer than the sun, velvet than the moon. And when she spoke, her voice swirled around the shore - warm, gentle, familiar - painfully familiar. It didn't burn, nor did it scream, but that voice melted the blonde's skin and she felt so cold, withering like a dying flower being kissed with a dying breath.


It was there again. Her voice was rich, and it was seeking her. And there Cate was, drowning again.

"Cate? Baby?" Sandra spoke once more, "Talk to me, please?" She pleaded, almost sounded like a subtle beg, "Let me hear your voice." The brunette whispered on the phone.

Cate exhaled; she was relieved, stunned, shocked and in bliss. It was the love of her life's voice. She pressed the phone tightly against her ear, imagining it was Sandra's lips pressing against her very skin. She closed her eyes. She just couldn't believe it.

"I know I've said my goodbye. I know I've written you my farewell, but I cannot take this. I can't wish you a forever if you are taking it with someone else." Sandra's voice was low and hoarse, almost pitiful, not quite breaking, but it sounded so dull and gloomy, "I want your forever with me, not with Abby, not with somebody else. I want you for me. I want us. Us, baby, remember?"

Cate's lips opened as she left out a sob. The heartbreaking sound that Sandra wouldn't want to hear, but there it was, slipping agonizingly slow past the blonde's lips.

"Baby, don't cry...please. Talk me to me."

The blonde bit her lip, and finally, she spoke, "Baby... it's you."

Cate heard faint sobs, barely supressed on the other line as she spoke. And she knew that the brunette was crying too.

"Yes, baby. It's me. It's me, baby." Sandra muttered softly.

"I've been looking for you." The blonde didn't bother to wipe her tears, "I'm looking for you."

"Well, I don't want you to look for me."


"Because I don't want you to be tired. Stop looking. Will you see me? Will you come to me if I tell you where I am?"

Cate softly laughed, satisfied with the words that were coming out of Sandra's lips, "I'd go to the ends of the world just to see you."

"Where are you?" They both asked in synch, the wind whistled and like a dulcet melody of a lullaby, they laughed.

"Where are you?" Sandra asked one more time, "Baby... tell me."

"I'm in the same resort where we were almost two years ago." Cate looked around, hoping for Sandra's shadow to appear like the ones in the movie, but there was none, "Sweetie, where are you?"

"I can't take this." The brunette replied and Cate's heart ran wildly again, Baby, I want you to run away with me."


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