Chapter Forty Eight

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Cate and Sandra finally made it into the blonde's house after being pursued by a slew of journalists. The first thing they did as they enter the house was to take a deep breath. The uproar that had occurred in the airport was thick, and the two did not take it very well. Cate called her publicist while Sandra went to the kitchen to get some water, alerting her that Abby had called while they were driving home and that she wanted to speak with Cate personally.  Abby was also distraught and humiliated. Who wouldn't be? The internet was flooded with videos of her moaning like a whore while Cate fucked her with a detachable dick. A thousand memes had been produced, and their names had outperformed every headline in every newspaper accessible. When the blonde picked up the phone, she sounded utterly powerless - finally, you picked up! - and then she went on to say how horrific their positions were, and how they needed to talk to each other to figure out how to put the scandal to rest.

When the blonde finally hung up the phone, she scoured the kitchen for the brunette. Sandra was slumped against the counter, her eyes burrowing into the floor, and Cate was sure her mind was wandering. Sandra had to return to her own place, meet Keanu, and call their relationship an end while she took care of the scandal. But Cate knew none of it would be simple. The blonde quietly proceeded towards the kitchen in silence, and before Sandra could respond, she had already thrown her arms around her and kissed her on the top of her head.

"Hey, baby..." Cate spoke as she kissed her head again, "It's fine. Everything's gonna be fine." She added as she took a step back to meet the brown eyes of the woman she so loved dearly.

There were thunders threatening to erupt when Sandra looked up at her. Her eyes were dismal and dreary, too glassy to hide the troubles she believed she had hidden so effectively. If there was anything Cate wanted to do right now, it was to lie in bed with her and tell her everything was going to be fine. However, the brunette's sighs were no longer gentle, and Cate pressed another kiss to her forehead to quietly convey her what she needed to know.

"How's the call?" And finally, Sandra opened her lips and asked the blonde in a soft, yet retiring tone.

"My publicist is too mad at me. However, all is fine." Cate smiled at her as she caressed Sandra's cheek with her left hand, "How's my baby?"

"Hug me?"

Cate gave her a smile, "How about let's go to the living room? I'll sit on the couch and I'll cuddle you up? How about that?"

The brunette nodded, "Yeah."

The two trudged back towards the living area and when they stood in front of the couch, Cate sat down as she pulled Sandra to sit on her lap and when the brunette did, the blonde wrapped her arms around her exhausted wife. Everything was too unclear, the skies had opened for them, but it was gloomy. And now that they're back, problems had been dragging them down to the thickiest mud. Sandra sighed as she buried her face on the blonde's neck. When all else felt too hard to digest, at least, she knew Cate would always be holding her.

"I'm sorry."

Sandra looked up, her hand gently touched the back of Cate's neck as she looked at her, "You know and we have talked about it. You do not have to say sorry to me. Neither of us wanted that to happen and besides..." She smiled as she delicately placed a soft kiss on the blonde's lips, "We were not in a relationship when you had sex with Abby. We'll figure this out together, okay?"

The blonde, with unspoken tears in her eyes, smiled, "What's the plan?"

Sandra adjusted her position on the blonde's lap. She stood up and went back to sitting on her wife's lap while facing her, "I'll go meet with Keanu tonight in my house. We will talk and I'm going to end my relationship with him for real. He is a good man and he will surely understands. And then you..." She heaved a sigh as she cupped the blonde's cheeks with both of her hands, " will meet with Abby, ask her what really happened and you two will plan out your statements. Once everything is alright, that's the time we can perfectly tell the world that we are in a relationship again. Once everything is great, I will marry you in front of the whole world."

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