Chapter Forty

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"What is your problem?" The blonde asked, following Sandra who was pacing back and forth inside their suite in Barcelona.

But to the brunette, it was not a question. It was an interrogation. Sort of like a sharp knife skinning her until she would bleed the honesty that she hid so deep in her bones. The skeletal in her closet shouldn't be outed, not yet. Cate asked again and voice was wavering -  tired of her own countless questions that were left to be ignored and unanswered.

"None, Cate! None!" Sandra answered in fury as she turned to look at her, her eyes hiding tears, but she sucked it down, "None, okay?"

"Then why are you like that? You've been fidgeting inside the plane and up until now, you're goddamn restless. I don't know what's happening with yo --"  Cate stopped, a moment of realization slowly seeping into her veins; she gasped and stared at Sandra with her eyes blown wide, her lips parted, "Please tell me this is not what I am thinking..." And then it came out as a whisper as the tears rushed to dwell inside her blue orbs.

Sandra gulped. There was no point in hiding now because that was Cate; the woman who knew her every strand, the woman she loved the most; she was not a stranger, nor someone else. With the blonde, she could be whoever she desired to be and she needed not to wear a facade because she's Cate and she knew that whatever may slip out of her lips, Cate would still hold her hand. The brunette's eyes pushed the tears out as she stood beside the door while she watched the blonde slowly walking back towards the bed. It was so silent - a dead space where one could hear the ticking of the clock. The second seemed to last for an hour and the beating of Sandra's heart was becoming so uncontrollable. The moment was swirling the ounce of sanity that was left inside Cate's head. Sandra's tears fell as she watched the blonde sat on the bed, her lips still parted and her eyes not blinking as she stared down at the floor.

"Did you..." Cate spoke slowly, trying to untie all the knots of the situation, "You wanted to..." She looked up and stared at her lover who was frozen and crying silently by the door, "You wanted to runaway and you're running away from something." She breathed and wiped her tears as it started to fall one by one, "You told me you saw Sarah and then now, Sarah's missing and then... there was dried blood underneath the garbage bin inside the hotel room in Malibu and I'm not dumb, Annette. That amount of dried blood didn't come from a small wound." She bit her lip and her tears started to rush down even faster, "Please tell me this is not what I am thinking right now."

"Oh, please!" Sandra hissed, "I didn't do anything!"

"I didn't say you did something!" Cate yelled as she stood up from the bed, "I just want you to tell me the truth because clearly you know something!"

The brunette shook her head as she watched the blonde beckoning closer to where she was, "Baby, please..." Cate begged.

"I'm not having this conversation with you." Sandra replied as she attempted to walk away, but Cate was so quick to pull her hand and taped her against the door.

"Tell me."

"Drop this conversation now."

"Tell me, please..."

"Drop it."

"Baby, please..."

"What the fuck, Catherine? I told you to just drop it!"

Cate went silent. She slowly and very gently took her hands off of Sandra's wrists and she pulled an inch away from her and with that, her tears fell even harder. It was all too much and she knew that Sandra knew something. She was torn, ruined and dejected because she could feel that something was wrong.

The blonde's lips trembled as she stared at Sandra, "I love you. I will love you 'til the end of time, that I promise you. " Cate spoke softly as she bent her head down to the floor while her tears gushed out like a waterfall, "I love you and whatever it is that you're keeping from me, it won't change a thing." She looked up and stared at Sandra's deep brown eyes again, "I love you, you hear me?" She cried, choking on the words as she held Sandra's cheek with her trembling hand, "I love you and that won't ever change, baby. It is you and me, and it will always be no matter what happens." She looked at her as she cried, "I just want you to be honest with me because I need to protect you from whatever that is that you're afraid of. Baby, please... please..."

The brunette bit her lip as she looked at her lover. Her tongue wanted to spit her naked honesty, but right there, as she stared at Cate's blue eyes, she felt useless and mute.  The tension was high in the air and her heart was beating abnormally fast. Cate's hands moved to touch her hands and her touch was so cold, her hands were trembling. The brunette's lips started to quiver. She then bit her lip once again in her attempt to make it still, but there was no use. And before she knew it, she sobbed. Tears flung out of Sandra as she bent her head on the blonde's shoulder. She felt mad and scared; she was a helpless puppy longing to be protected. Sandra broke down, but Cate was so quick to wrap her in an embrace. The blonde's lips opened to whisper her the things that Sandra's heart wanted to hear. The room was filled with the vibe that they both didn't want. While Sandra spilled her cries, Cate rubbed her back and kept on kissing her head. Whatever Sandra would say, whatever event may unfold, Cate was firm that she would stay, because what else could she do? Sandra was tattooed deep into her heart.

"I'm tired..." Sandra cried as she looked up, meeting Cate's eyes.

The blonde cupped her face lovingly, so gently as if Sandra was a fragile glass and any moment, she could be broken into shards. Cate's lips curled into a smile despite the tears streaming down her face.

"I know, baby..." Cate softly spoke as she stared deeply into Sandra's eyes, "I know... And if only I have the power to take your exhaustion away, I'll do it. You hear me? You understand?" She added as she leaned to place a delicate kiss on the brunette's trembling lips, "But I'm here, and I am ready to be with you whatever happens, baby. I won't leave you. It's you and me against them, against whatever that is that you're afraid of. I love you, Sandra. I love you and I will stood with you until my last exhale."

The look on Sandra's face couldn't be fathomed. She went silent as she gazed upon the teary orbs of Cate. If only she could run away in that very moment, she would. But Cate's eyes were begging her not to. Sandra shook her head as her new batch of tears came to rush out of her. Her throat glitched.

"Baby..." Sandra's voice started breaking, "I...I..." Her tears came to cover her cheeks, "I killed Sarah."

And with a sob, Sandra finally confessed. But because Cate loved her so, she picked her up in between her shaking arms. And with the embrace of the woman that Sandra loved, she would continue to write tragedies until their very own mishaps and misadventures feel subdued, lowered, toned down; and until they would be convinced that their lives deserved a little disaster.


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