Chapter Seven

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"What the hell was that?"

"Sarah just went out and asked if I could help her with an act. That's all." Sandy reasoned as she walked inside the house.

She knew too well that Cate was watching her like a hawk the moment she saw the situation outside. She heard the slamming of the main door and she turned back, only to see Cate standing by the door in her definite silence. The blonde just stood there, mouth slighly opened as if she just got slapped by a shocking news. Her chest was heaving up and down and Sandra could tell that she was playing the situation earlier in her head.

"Baby, let's go back to sleep."  Sandy spoke, standing beside the staircase.

The blonde looked at her once more. She felt remorse when her brown eyes mirrrored Cate's blue ones - there were tears dwelling inside, and she knew that  in any minute, the tears would fall. Cate's face was silently asking questions that Sandra knew she could not answer, just not yet. Her heart sunk with all the possibilities that would  wind for tomorrow. She's afraid, because she could not afford to lose Cate.

"Babe..." the weight of her feet as she walked towards the  blonde who was still frozen on her spot beside the door was unbearable, "let's sleep now."

"Please. Just don't..." Cate backed away from her attempt to touching her, "don't touch me... I wanna be alone. I'm sorry."

"But why?" Sandy's voice cracked, although she tried to have her composure, but her own strength betrayed her when she saw the glistening tears falling down on her lover's face.

"Just don't..." Cate shoved her away as she wiped her tears, "Don't come near me and let me be alone for now." Cate bit her lip, tried to control the trembles on her lips. She looked up at Sandy and with a sigh, she begged, "Please?"

"No, listen to me." Sandy gulped as the brunette cupped her face, "Whatever is in your mind right now, that's not it. It was just an act. I was just helping Sarah with a scene. Do you trust me?"

"I don't know." She paused, "I just wanna be alone.

Cate shook her way as she walked towards the couch on the living room, leaving Sandra dumbfounded on the door. The moment Cate started walking, Sandra felt her slowly drifting away. And so no matter how hard she tried to compose herself, her tears fell, more and even more. She silently cried watching the blonde arranging the throw pillows on the couch. Her heart ached -  it all felt fast and quick, but the feeling of a thousand knives stabbing her heart was endless. She silently sobbed as she watched the blonde laid down on the couch, feet crumpled up to her abdomen before she hugged herself to sleep. Wiping her tears, she decided to let Cate cool off. She walked upstairs, grabbed a blanket before she went back downstairs.

"I love you, Catie. Let's talk tomorrow." Sandra spoke as she covered her with a blanket, "I love you and I hope you know that I am afraid..." she paused as her voice started to crack again, "... I am afraid to lose you. I canot afford that." She spoke as she placed a kiss on Cate's forehead.

Kneeling in front of the couch, half a ruler away from Cate, she waited. Sandra waited for her to speak, but no words were spoken by the woman lying in front.

"Aren't you going to speak to me?"

"Aren't you going to let me be alone?"

Sandy gave her a nod and a tap on her thigh. They'd fix it tomorrow. They'd talk. All she had to do was to let her be alone. They would be okay, at the very least, Sandra hoped.


The rays of the sun dangling outside were stretching out against the borders of Sandra's window drapes. She stretched out slowly, but she sat back on the bed right away as she spotted the blonde packing the things that she had placed on her closet. There was her personal handbag on the foot of the bed, and a small baggage full of the clothes.

"Hey what are you doing?" Sandra asked, shocked to watch the blonde packing the clothes intended for Sandra's home, "Those clothes belonged here. You brought those for here,.." she got off the bed, barefooted as she failed to see her slippers, "... so that everytime you wanna stay here, you won't be thinking about getting clothes from your home."

She bit her lip. Cate wasn't talking, she was just merely packing, and Sandra didn't know what to do. She  stood behind the blonde who was packing in haste without realizing the tears falling freely from her.

"We can talk. We should talk." Sandra hissed as she snatched the bag away from Cate, before dropping it down on the floor, "You do not have to do this." She spoke, in a much voice much softer than she had intended, "please..."

"Everything just doesn't feel right."

And for the first time since last night, Cate spoke. Her voice was soft, slow, almost like a whisper, but the pain was obviously apparent. Sandra's tears fell even more hearing the tone of Cate. She watched as the blonde slowly sat on the bed, her head dropped down to the hands on her lap and Sandra knew that she was crying.

"What doesn't feel right?" The brunette retorted back, eyebrows curving down, shoulders slumped as if she was doomed.

"How do you know when the love is gone?"

It came out like a bomb. An actual explosion bursted in front of Sandra's face. Her eyes were met by Cate's vacant stare - the hollowness in her heart had creeped out so deep that she could feel the void growing deep inside her. Cate's stare was spooning out all of her strength, to the extent that she slowly sat on the floor, one hand clutching the fabric on her chest.

"How did you know? Was it when we kissed and I didn't moan your name the way I did during the early time of this relationship?" Cate asked, tears streaming down her face, "How did you know you don't love me anymore?"

"That's not true. I didn't stop loving you. Where is this coming from?"

"It came from when I saw you and Sarah making out on the porch last night. From the very beginning, up until the end."


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