His story

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"Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?"

There you are, here's the question of the day.

"What's the matter?" asked Remus.

"Let's sit down and I'll tell you all about it," said Harry firmly.

They all sat down and watched Harry beginning the story:

"You see, when you and dad got out of Hogwarts you were already his fiancée and you guys got married-"

Lily shrieked.
"That's in two years!"

"Lily be quiet so we can listen!" said Remus annoyedly.

"Ok so, you married and I was born. Everything was normal... well... almost everything was normal.

"What wasn't normal?" asked Lily and Remus in unison.
"You'll never know if you keep interrupting Harry," said Hermione.

"Ah yes sorry."

"As I was saying, everything was nearly normal. The only problem was that Voldemort *everyone flinched* was seeking me."

"Why?" said Lily.

"I don't really know the reason but I think it's about a prophecy" said Harry grimly.

"What prophecy?" asked Remus curiously.

"That is leading us to the moment when we travelled back in time" said Hermione ", we were purchased by death-eathers, they wanted the prophecy Harry was holding at the time and Neville tried to stun one of them and the spell hit a glass-fronted cabinet full of Time Turners. And here we are."

"And what's this prophecy's got to do whit Harry?" asked Remus more curious than ever.

"That's the problem, we don't know."

"I see" said Lily slowly. She looked up and asked "what happened when Voldemort was looking for you?

"He-er-he" said Harry. He looked round at Hermione and Ron.

He leaned toward them and whispered something in their ears.
Ron and Hermione faces were unreadable as he finished telling them whatever he was whispering to them.

The three nodded. What a mysterious trio.

"Where was I? Ah yes.." said Harry looking round at them. He took a deep breath as Hermione and Ron were whispering something to Neville whose eyes widened in confusion.

"You guys were away on a date and you left me whit a nurse that- huh- deeply loved me ? And Voldemort - everyone shuddered - killed her whit a killing curse because she...she wouldn't budge to let him get to me. And then he pointed his wand at me and fired at me the curse too."

Great sadness filled Harry's as he wondered why he wasn't telling his younger mum and Remus the truth. It was surely because he didn't want at all to see their expression of which he was sure would break him emotionally.

"Poor nurse." said Lily, her voice filled with sadness.

"How James and Lily reacted and...wait how did you survive? asked Remus shocked," no one ever survived a killing curse

" I don't really know how I survived. I just know that the curse rebounded and hit Voldemort instead. Oh and they were...uh..shocked." said Harry.

"And panicked." added Hermione.

"What for?"

"For the thing that you've got on your forehead."

"Ah yes."

"Huh? What's on his forehead?" asked timidly Remus.

For all answer, Harry pulled back his front hair and let them stare at the evil scar that is messing up his life.

Remus and Lily hugely gasped.

"Er, let's not be dramatic, shall we?" said Ron hastily.

"That's just...just horrible!" muttered Lily.

There was a long silence which was broken by Hermione's squeal of panic telling them in a rushed voice that it was ten to ten.

As they were getting up and Hermione was putting again the appearance changing charm on them once again, Lily hugged an unexpecting Harry.

"I think that you're not like James after all" said Lily.

"Don't worry" said Harry, hugging back his mother as tear came up into his eyes, doubting he will have any more hugs from his younger mother and hoping they'd never break apart."he will change in the future."


I hope you've enjoyed this chapter. If you did, don't hesitate to vote or comment!

Good day/night to you all!

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